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ballgame99 Sat May 02, 2015 01:42pm

Technical for face guarding?
coaching my daughters team this weekend and one of our girls was called for a technical foul for face guarding at the end of the game when I had instructed them to get in the passing lane and deny. Is that an actual rule?

Rich Ives Sat May 02, 2015 01:50pm


Originally Posted by ballgame99 (Post 961593)
coaching my daughters team this weekend and one of our girls was called for a technical foul for face guarding at the end of the game when I had instructed them to get in the passing lane and deny. Is that an actual rule?


ballgame99 Sat May 02, 2015 01:58pm

I was told it was in 4-23 but I don't see anything there. And just for clarification, my girl was guarding the girl off the ball and not looking at the ball but just staying close to her and not letting her have the ball. She was not holding her hands in her eyes or in her face.

JRutledge Sat May 02, 2015 02:04pm


Originally Posted by ballgame99 (Post 961595)
I was told it was in 4-23 but I don't see anything there. And just for clarification, my girl was guarding the girl off the ball and not looking at the ball but just staying close to her and not letting her have the ball. She was not holding her hands in her eyes or in her face.

The rule is 10-3-6d.

"Purposely obstructing an opponent's vision by waving or placing hand(s) near his/her eyes."

"Note: Purposely diverting and opponent's attention by waving is different than holding or waving the hands near the opponent's eyes for the express purpose of obstructing the vision so that he/she cannot see."

Not sure that is what actually happened, but that is the rule.


BillyMac Sat May 02, 2015 03:36pm

Misty Water Color Memories ...

Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 961596)
"Purposely obstructing an opponent's vision by waving or placing hand(s) near his/her eyes." "Note: Purposely diverting and opponent's attention by waving is different than holding or waving the hands near the opponent's eyes for the express purpose of obstructing the vision so that he/she cannot see."

There was a kid in high school, Pat Witheral (a very talented three sport athlete), who did this all the time. In gym class, he would always guard me, and it was very distracting. I don't think that it was illegal back in the mid-twentieth century.

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