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SCalScoreKeeper Sun Mar 23, 2014 04:40pm

UNC v Tennessee Martin Women's tourney (Video)
If you haven't heard today an armed gunman was spotted on UNC's campus during its 1st rd game against UT Martin.Carmichael Arena was locked down but the game continued.During UT Martin's 2nd to last timeout with 18 seconds to go the PA announcer announced the all clear.The UT Martin huddle stopped to listen to the PA announcement and the officials did not give UT Martin their timeout back forcing them to use their final timeout to draw up their final possession.Did the officials do the right thing here or should UT Martin have been allowed to have that timeout back? If someone could find video of this that would be much appreciated

HokiePaul Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:18am

I'm not awarding them another timeout ... not sure I could justify that.

If something like that happened in one of my (High School) games where there was some sort of emergency announcement during a timeout that everyone stopped to listen too, I would probably:

1) ask the timer to stop the timeout clock temporarily during the announcement
2) find an excuse to go consult with the timer/scorer for a few seconds after the timeout horn so that the teams might get a few extra seconds.

LRZ Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:27am


Originally Posted by HokiePaul (Post 928831)
I'm not awarding them another timeout ... not sure I could justify that.

If something like that happened in one of my (High School) games where there was some sort of emergency announcement during a timeout, I would

1) ask the timer to stop the timeout clock temporarily during the announcement
2) find an excuse to go consult with the timer/scorer for a few seconds after the timeout horn so that the teams might get a few extra seconds.

I don't work college, M or W, so perhaps I'm missing something, but why would you treat the two levels differently? Just asking.

rockyroad Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:55am

I am restarting the timeout.

Rule 2-3.

Adam Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:01pm


Originally Posted by rockyroad (Post 928841)
I am restarting the timeout.

Rule 2-3.


With the understanding that there may be other consderations when the game is televised.

Raymond Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:49pm


Originally Posted by LRZ (Post 928835)
I don't work college, M or W, so perhaps I'm missing something, but why would you treat the two levels differently? Just asking.

He's not saying that. He's saying what he would do in his games, while letting us know he works HS ball.

LRZ Tue Mar 25, 2014 01:18pm


Originally Posted by BadNewsRef (Post 928851)
He's not saying that. He's saying what he would do in his games, while letting us know he works HS ball.

Perhaps I misunderstood. I thought he was saying that in the college game, the team would be out of luck (and timeouts!), but in HS, he would find a way to extend the time so the team would not be penalized.

In the circumstances, an "all clear" message is important enough to stop the clock (edit: "game") so that everyone--fans, team personnel and officials--would hear it. Next year, there will be a case play ruling telling us, authoritatively, how to handle such a situation. :)

SCalScoreKeeper Tue Mar 25, 2014 02:41pm

Welcome to the board LRZ- we look forward to your contributions.

HokiePaul Tue Mar 25, 2014 02:57pm


Originally Posted by LRZ (Post 928835)
I don't work college, M or W, so perhaps I'm missing something, but why would you treat the two levels differently? Just asking.

I don't think I would necessarily treat them differently. But I'm not familar with any NCAA rules/cases that might address this. I was just pointing out that my statement about not having any way to justify crediting them with an additional timeout is based on my understanding of NFHS rules.

Basically what BadNewsRef said :)

LRZ Tue Mar 25, 2014 03:24pm


Originally Posted by HokiePaul (Post 928887)
I don't think I would necessarily treat them differently. But I'm not familar with any NCAA rules/cases that might address this. I was just pointing out that my statement about not having any way to justify crediting them with an additional timeout is based on my understanding of NFHS rules.

Basically what BadNewsRef said :)

OK, I get you now. Sorry about misunderstanding you.

I'm real old-school. Besides your suggestions, I would probably rely on NFHS 2.3, as there is nothing in the rules about dealing with crises and acts of God. I think it was Sid Borgia, the old-time NBA ref, who said, "I don't call fouls, I dispense justice."

In case people think I play fast and loose with the rules, not so. What I am saying is that when faced with situations so beyond what the rules anticipate, use common sense to do what's fair in the circumstances.

At my age and level, I am content with my assignments and am not overly concerned about what evaluators might say. If an assessor were to downgrade me because I used common sense to give an additional timeout in the circumstances, I can live with that. Of course, being retired and thus free for 3:15 games gives me some license. :)

SCalScorekeeper, thank you. I was tempted to write, "Sarcasm?" (another quote, this one from Sheldon Cooper), but decided to take you at face value. :)

MD Longhorn Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:43pm


Originally Posted by HokiePaul (Post 928831)
I'm not awarding them another timeout ... not sure I could justify that.

If something like that happened in one of my (High School) games where there was some sort of emergency announcement during a timeout that everyone stopped to listen too, I would probably:

1) ask the timer to stop the timeout clock temporarily during the announcement
2) find an excuse to go consult with the timer/scorer for a few seconds after the timeout horn so that the teams might get a few extra seconds.

I would do as you suggest, or something similar. In both college and HS.

Lcubed48 Wed Mar 26, 2014 06:23am


Originally Posted by LRZ (Post 928897)
Of course, being retired and thus free for 3:15 games gives me some license. :)

Ain't it grand? :) :)

Welcome to the board.

LRZ Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:32am


Originally Posted by Lcubed48 (Post 928992)
Ain't it grand? :) :)

Welcome to the board.

My thoughts, exactly! And I'll raise you a smilie: :):):)

APG Wed Mar 26, 2014 03:10pm

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

AremRed Wed Mar 26, 2014 03:35pm

What the the announcer lady smoking....the officials have zero control about what public information announcements are made when.

Terrible planning by the safety guys at the game. If you knew at halftime the threat was over, why not announce it to the whole crowd then? Why wait until the last timeout before the end of the game? Either announce it when you know or wait until the game is over.

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