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Post Game Comments
Worked two middle school games tonight, that were no good right from the start. Knew they would be tough games for middle school, as they were the two bottom teams both fighting it out trying to get their first wins of the season.
As we all know, fans know everything about the rule book and tonight was no different. I heard things such as "you know they only get 5 seconds in the lane right" people wanting 3 seconds in the lane before the ball is even live, and of course every time there was a missed layup there must of been a foul that wasn't called. After the game, I was hungry so I went and picked up a sub from Subway for the ride home. I recognized the person behind me as one of the people complaining all night. As I go to place my order he says over my shoulder to the worker, "You should spit in his sub because he reffed such a bad game just now" I couldn't believe it. Didn't even bother to turn around and acknowledge what he said. |
You exhibited more self-control than I would have. My response would have been <a href="http://www.smileyvault.com/" title="Nuts Kicking Smiley"><img src="http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/merv/nutskick.gif" border="0" alt="Nuts Kicking Smiley" title="Nuts Kicking Smiley" /></a>
Tell you assignor. If you have to go back to that place - I probably wouldn't - have your assignor join you at the site if either of those teams is playing and point out the guy (my guess is someone like that will make sure to be in the crowd) and then point him out to the league administrator. Frankly, I'd even consider finding that Subway's security video so I could ID him for the league as soon as possible.
Being an a** while you're at the game is bad enough. Being an a** once you become a private citizen goes to another level. |
Dang. Kudos to you for your self-control. And if you can, do what JetMet said.
After doing basketball and baseball for a while I've learned sports really bring out the worst in some people, so I've always felt that no matter how many nasty comments or disputes I'm involved in on the court/field if that same person is willing to shake my hand and show respect when the game ends I really have no problem with them. They may (outspokenly) dislike me as an official and I may (in the back of my mind) dislike them as a coach but that really doesn't mean we can't get along just fine as people outside of a contest. This person took it to the next level, I applaud your self control as at that point it was just one person being a a$$h*** to another out in the "real world." Agree with the steps outlined above if you have to go back there.
So glad I don't do middle school anymore...it was ruining my love of the game
A couple of things should be noted.
First if you work games, you should probably go further away from the school or communities if you are worried about comments by fans or participants. Secondly, you can either ignore the statements or confront the statements. Every situation is different, but I would have likely said something to that guy. If he wants to be a smartass, I can be one too. Because not this is not about professionalism, you are not at the site or in your uniform (I hope). You can say something back to them in that situation. I know I would have and he would have been embarrassed by not being quite, I can guarantee you that one. Peace |
I have had moments...usually an AAU tournament type atmosphere...where you can't help but run into someone wanting to say something about how bad you were. My standard response is "we are always looking for more officials." Shuts them up every time because they want to do the complaining but would never be willing to be on the other side of the coin. |
A person, wiser than I, said, "Sports do not build character, they reveal it!"
Your restraint demonstrates your character. His actions demonstrate his lack thereof. I applaud you! And I wish that, in several situations, over the years, I would have been so calm! |
This happened to me after a football game early in my career a long time ago. It's the reason I never go anywhere other than a drive-thru within 10 miles of the place I called a game. |
Peace |
I would have just told the kid preparing my sandwich "If you have any brains back there, put some on his sandwich...he is in desperate need of some."
As a rule, I never stop anywhere close to the game venue after the game. I always make sure I have enough fuel and a snack just in case. In today's world you just never know who will insist on continuing their bad behaviour. |
During class to get certified, a speaker told us that during a summer league game of his, one fan was so bad that as they were going to the locker room at halftime he took off his stripes and threw it to the fan... telling him to take the rest of the game.
Keep this in mind... opinions are like a-holes, everybody has one, and most of them stink. There was a time I would have shot back with some comment, but in all it's not worth it. The guy is clearly a jerk, and nothing you can say at the time is going to make things better. Just ignore him and move on with the rest of your night. In the future, like others have said, just don't stop in the same town or area you officiated at. Unless it's the drive-thru, where you don't have to worry about running into any idiots or a-holes that were at the game and may have something dumb to say. |
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