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stripes2255 Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:45pm

Quarter start sub question
Recieved a call from a buddy of mine about a situation last night and of course I am at work without rule book so help me out.

Start of 4th quarter, Team A to inbound at midcourt and before R hands the ball in he is beckoned to the scorers table. He is informed that A6 is on the court to start the quarter but has not properly checked into the game during quarter change. The two officials get together and talk and decide to send A6 off the court and reinsert A5 who was in the game at end of the 3rd quarter.

Team B's HC is livid and wants a technical foul called instead of the way it was handled. Thoughts?

Rich Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:49pm


Originally Posted by stripes2255 (Post 879099)
Recieved a call from a buddy of mine about a situation last night and of course I am at work without rule book so help me out.

Start of 4th quarter, Team A to inbound at midcourt and before R hands the ball in he is beckoned to the scorers table. He is informed that A6 is on the court to start the quarter but has not properly checked into the game during quarter change. The two officials get together and talk and decide to send A6 off the court and reinsert A5 who was in the game at end of the 3rd quarter.

Team B's HC is livid and wants a technical foul called instead of the way it was handled. Thoughts?

Team B's coach needs a yummy Xanax.

Adam Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:55pm


I had a visiting JVB coach last week suggest I give the home team a technical foul for burning popcorn at the concession stand.

He had more solid reasoning than the coach in the OP.

bob jenkins Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:57pm


Originally Posted by stripes2255 (Post 879099)
Team B's HC is livid and wants a technical foul called

Oblige him, but it's probably not the T he was looking for. ;)

Scratch85 Wed Feb 13, 2013 01:41pm

Just went through a similar situation myself but it happened coming out of a time-out. Most people here said my situation was a T, by the book, but none said they would call it. IIRC, all said it was the same whether after TO or quarter change or at least none said otherwise.

Apparently this is a rule that we universally ignore.

biz Wed Feb 13, 2013 02:22pm

definitely not a T. Nowhere in Rule 10 is there any support for a T in this situation and this is all Rule 3 had to say.

3-3-1a Between quarters, at halftime and during a time-out, the substitute must report or be in position to report to the scorer, prior to the warning signal
which is sounded 15 seconds before the end of the intermission or the

NOTE: When the substitute(s) is not properly reported, the player(s) in the game at the conclusion of the quarter/when the time-out was called shall begin play for the new quarter/after the time-out.

Zoochy Wed Feb 13, 2013 02:32pm

Coming back from a TO. After the horns have sounded and before the ball is handed to the Thrower, Coach A sends a player to the table to sub into the game. I am right next to the Coach/table. I tell him I can not let the sub enter. He says "Why, The ball has not been handed to the player yet." I inform him there is a rule that states a player has to report to the table before the 15 sec warning horn in order to be able to enter into the game. Then I suggest he can call a TO if he wants him into the game.:D He grumbles.

Scratch85 Wed Feb 13, 2013 02:44pm


Originally Posted by biz (Post 879132)
definitely not a t. Nowhere in rule 10 is there any support for a t in this situation and this is all rule 3 had to say.

3-3-1a between quarters, at halftime and during a time-out, the substitute must report or be in position to report to the scorer, prior to the warning signal
which is sounded 15 seconds before the end of the intermission or the

Note: When the substitute(s) is not properly reported, the player(s) in the game at the conclusion of the quarter/when the time-out was called shall begin play for the new quarter/after the time-out.


biz Wed Feb 13, 2013 02:47pm

Don't know how I missed that one. Thank you.

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