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fiasco Wed Dec 21, 2011 02:30pm

Bob Jenkins
Since you don't allow personal messages, I guess I have to post this here.

I was just wondering if you were going to continue to allow JRutledge to publicly and personally attack me on the basketball forum.

Using smilies after you call someone a troll, IMO, shouldn't excuse someone from launching personal attacks that have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

bob jenkins Wed Dec 21, 2011 02:39pm

I deleted plenty of personal attacks from both of you on that (or a similar) thread. Since neither of you took the hint, I closed the thread.

fiasco Wed Dec 21, 2011 02:58pm

Merely deleting a post doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent for someone calling another poster a "troll" multiple times.

bob jenkins Wed Dec 21, 2011 02:59pm

Thank you for your feedback.

fiasco Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:00pm

Looks like I just got the internet message board equivalent of the stop sign.

Bad Zebra Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:01pm

It'll be interesting to see if you take the hint.

RookieDude Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:18pm seem like an intelligent man. What IS your motivation for posting here?

For the record...I'm in and out of this wonderful forum, (Mostly during BBall season). Personally I have been "with you" on certain issues...and "not with you" on others.

So...the same could be said of my own family. We don't always agree.

Give us a resume' of sorts, if you don't mind, of your experience in officiating basketball. Maybe that will keep some of the naysayers at bay...then again, maybe not.

fiasco Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:23pm


Originally Posted by RookieDude (Post 807052) seem like an intelligent man. What IS your motivation for posting here?

For the record...I'm in and out of this wonderful forum, (Mostly during BBall season). Personally I have been "with you" on certain issues...and "not with you" on others.

So...the same could be said of my own family. We don't always agree.

Give us a resume' of sorts, if you don't mind, of your experience in officiating basketball. Maybe that will keep some of the naysayers at bay...then again, maybe not.

I ref basketball. Have for going on 8 years now. This is my first varsity season.

My motivation for posting here is interacting with other officials, getting my questions answered and learning things that will make me a better official.

Welpe Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:32pm

March should be interesting this season.

tref Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:36pm


Originally Posted by fiasco (Post 807053)
My motivation for posting here is interacting with other officials, getting my questions answered and learning things that will make me a better official.

We dont always agree on certain things, but I like this!

Dont take things too personal here on the forum though, JRut used to smack me around daily. Once I stopped getting so sensitive about it, I realized how much he helped me grow as an official. I'm talking knowledge of rules, open minded perspective, thicker skin & so on.
Not sure if you were around when Jurrasic Referee used to post, but he did the same to & for me.
98% of the posters here want to see each other do well.

Oh yeah, always listen to bob! I'm thinking it ends at midnite but until then, you've been warned sir :D

fullor30 Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:46pm


Originally Posted by fiasco (Post 807035)
Since you don't allow personal messages, I guess I have to post this here.

I was just wondering if you were going to continue to allow JRutledge to publicly and personally attack me on the basketball forum.

Using smilies after you call someone a troll, IMO, shouldn't excuse someone from launching personal attacks that have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

Fiasco.... I suggest trying decaf

bob jenkins Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:50pm

If you've had posts deleted in this thread, take the hint.

Bad Zebra Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:53pm


Originally Posted by bob jenkins (Post 807071)
If you've had posts deleted in this thread, take the hint.

I can't believe the whole thread hasn't been deleted. :p

bob jenkins Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:53pm

I think there's some value in it for a while -- but it won't last long.

RookieDude Wed Dec 21, 2011 03:55pm


Originally Posted by fiasco (Post 807053)
I ref basketball. Have for going on 8 years now. This is my first varsity season.

My motivation for posting here is interacting with other officials, getting my questions answered and learning things that will make me a better official.


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