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rockyroad Tue Mar 11, 2003 08:00pm

I know there are some people on the board from Minnesota, so I wanted to ask any of them if they have ever officiatede a Gustavus Adolphus women's game??? Had them this past weekend, and their coach never complained or questioned a single call!!! As a matter of fact, when her team was shooting free throws and I was T, she walked up to me and said - I swear to goodness - "Excuse me sir. If she makes this shot, may I have a time-out please?"

I just about fainted right there...

Too bad all coaches can't be like her...

Too bad they lost also...

Anyone else have her, and if so, is she always like that???

mplagrow Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:34pm

Just curious
If you reffed GA, have you also reffed MLC from New Ulm? That's my alma mater. If so, any opinon on them? Sorry I can't help you on GA, I'm in Wisconsin now.

Tee Wed Mar 12, 2003 01:10am

As a Minnesotan until I was 22, I can vouch for the "niceness" of the natives. If it were not for the cold, heat, mosquitoes and humidity I would still be there.

The "unorginal" Tee

BigDave Wed Mar 12, 2003 08:04am

Re: Just curious

Originally posted by mplagrow
If you reffed GA, have you also reffed MLC from New Ulm? That's my alma mater. If so, any opinon on them? Sorry I can't help you on GA, I'm in Wisconsin now.
I have a good friend from New Ulm. You may know him. His name is Ross Paa.

mplagrow Wed Mar 12, 2003 08:07am

Rings a bell
The last name is familiar, but I don't remember for sure.

BigJoe Wed Mar 12, 2003 08:43am

This is why I have only issued one T in eight years of varsity officiating in Minnesota. Most coaches behave like this. They will question a call now and then, but they will never get personal with you. I see most officials run off the floor after the game to get away from the angry mobs. We usually stand at half court with the ball until the teams have shook hands and dispersed until we hand the ball to the table and then go to the locker room. Usually, the coaches will thank us for doing a good job officiating the game. Maybe this is part of the "Minnesota Nice" or maybe we just are confident in our ability to call a good game that we aren't concerned with confrontation after the game. Or maybe we are just stupid for doing this?

ChuckElias Wed Mar 12, 2003 08:45am


Originally posted by Tee
If it were not for the cold, heat, mosquitoes and humidity I would still be there.
I heard a comedianne comment about growing up in Minnesota. She noted that it was settled largely by Norwegians who crossed a whole ocean and half a continent until they found a place that was just as cold and miserable as the place they left. They named it "Minnesota" which is a Native American word meaning "weather sucks big wompum".

Still cracks me up. :)


rockyroad Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:31am

Re: Just curious

Originally posted by mplagrow
If you reffed GA, have you also reffed MLC from New Ulm? That's my alma mater. If so, any opinon on them? Sorry I can't help you on GA, I'm in Wisconsin now.
Nope...I had GA in a playoff game way out here in Washington (that's state) last saturday...I believe it was a second round game or something like that...if all coaches are like that back there, it might be worth the weather and bugs!!

Dubby Wed Mar 12, 2003 01:02pm

I worked Gustavus three times this year and that is how she always is. She has always been a class act. Most of the coaches in the MIAC are good to work for but she is at the top. This year I gave one T in that league and it was the first in five years. I definitely can't say that about the high school coaches!

oatmealqueen Wed Mar 12, 2003 01:58pm

Everything that I know about Minnesota, I learned from the movie "Fargo".

mnref14 Wed Mar 12, 2003 02:17pm

Don't Be Fooled
We have our share of annoying coaches on the High School and College level. The Men's MIAC coaches are not nearly as friendly.

MN 3 Sport Ref Wed Mar 12, 2003 02:54pm

Re: Don't Be Fooled

Originally posted by mnref14
We have our share of annoying coaches on the High School and College level. The Men's MIAC coaches are not nearly as friendly.

I'll ditto that working at both levels. We may have some mild mannered coaches up here but we certainly have our share of hotheads and jacka$$es too. I think I probably had 10-12 technicals in the 60+ HS and college games (excluding AAU and Rec)I worked this year and maybe 3-4 of them were issued to coaches. I guess I allow more rope in some instances though. However it does seem like up here the decent (mannered)coaches do outnumber the howlers.

Malcolm Tucker Wed Mar 12, 2003 07:39pm

Hey can we export that "Minnesota Nice"

ChuckElias Wed Mar 12, 2003 07:44pm

I've heard of Minnesota Fats. But Minnesota Nice? He sounds like a wimp. :)

williebfree Wed Mar 12, 2003 08:47pm

There is STILL plenty of Minnesota "ICE".... All the better for the brown pops!

Wondering. Is Hamms still "from the Land of cool, clear water"?

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