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Mark Padgett Fri Nov 22, 2002 06:35pm

Last night I was working a 7th grade boys competitive rec game at a tournment. We line up for free throws and one of the players says his knee is bleeding. I call an official's timeout (this was a running clock game) and send him to the bench. We have to have the timeout because that team had only five players. The assistant coach says he will go to the front desk at this venue and get a band-aid. One of the scorekeepers (a dad from the other team) says he has a band-aid in his wallet, and pulls it out.

The head coach peels back the wrapper and <i>there is no band-aid inside!!!</i>

The dad says he's sorry and pulls out another one. <i>The same thing happens!</i> He tries a third time and again <i>the wrapper is empty!</i>

The guy looks at the coach and says, "That's the last time I'll buy band-aids over the internet".

I couldn't believe he said that and at first, I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. Besides, who carries band-aids in their wallet? When I was in college, I carried something else in a wrapper from a drug store in mine, but that's another story.

Anyway, while we were waiting, the kid sticks his finger on the cut knee and gets blood on his hand. I tell him not to do that. He asks why? I tell him it's because he might get knee-monia. He replies "Oh yeah - right." What a maroon.

The band-aid comes and we have to wait longer while I send him to the locker room to wash his hands with soap and water. The kid asks me if he has to wash both hands, or just the one with blood on it. By this time, I'm ready for another Prozac.

Other than that, it was a fairly normal game. But - that's like saying, "other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

Jurassic Referee Fri Nov 22, 2002 07:48pm


Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Anyway, while we were waiting, the kid sticks his finger on the cut knee and gets blood on his hand. I tell him not to do that. He asks why? I tell him it's because he might get knee-monia. He replies "Oh yeah - right." What a maroon.

Yup,and if he gets blood on his foot,he might get toe-maine poisoning.

Yup,and be reeeel careful about getting dick-theria!

Old,old one,Mark--but still a goodie!

Mark Padgett Fri Nov 22, 2002 08:02pm


Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Yup,and if he gets blood on his foot,he might get toe-maine poisoning.
And...I'd have to call a toe truck.

BktBallRef Fri Nov 22, 2002 11:45pm

Old people.

Good grief!! :D

ScottParks Sat Nov 23, 2002 09:51am

Hey :D I resemble that remark

bossref Sun Nov 24, 2002 01:22am

they really kneeded one
they really kneed-ed an emergency kit
but they were to poor to foot the bill
you shoulda brought more tape, I toed you so
anyway, I got a kick out of this thread
and now I can't leg-o even though I thighed
gotta stop now and re-boot my computer

RecRef Sun Nov 24, 2002 08:33am


Anyway, while we were waiting, the kid sticks his finger on the cut knee and gets blood on his hand. I tell him not to do that. He asks why? I tell him it's because he might get knee-monia. He replies "Oh yeah - right." What a maroon.

The band-aid comes and we have to wait longer while I send him to the locker room to wash his hands with soap and water. The kid asks me if he has to wash both hands, or just the one with blood on it. By this time, I'm ready for another Prozac.

I don't know, he may have got you back with this last one! :D

Dan_ref Sun Nov 24, 2002 01:02pm


Originally posted by Mark Padgett

When I was in college, I carried something else in a wrapper from a drug store in mine, but that's another story.

Yeah, sure, but did you ever get a chance to see if there
was something inside that package? It's not very
impressive if you carried the same one around for 4 years,
is it? :)

Jurassic Referee Sun Nov 24, 2002 01:48pm


Originally posted by BktBallRef
Old people.

Good grief!! :D

We get no respect!

Camron Rust Mon Nov 25, 2002 05:38pm


Originally posted by Mark Padgett
We line up for free throws and one of the players says his knee is bleeding. I call an official's timeout (this was a running clock game) and send him to the bench. We have to have the timeout because that team had only five players.
Why "have to have a timeout"? The coach can call one if he wants to, otherwise, play with 4.

Mark Padgett Mon Nov 25, 2002 06:23pm


Originally posted by Camron Rust

Originally posted by Mark Padgett
We line up for free throws and one of the players says his knee is bleeding. I call an official's timeout (this was a running clock game) and send him to the bench. We have to have the timeout because that team had only five players.
Why "have to have a timeout"? The coach can call one if he wants to, otherwise, play with 4.

Camron - can't do that now at The Hoop - even if a player fouls out and they only have four left.

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