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Terrapins Fan Mon Jan 31, 2011 06:53pm

2 officials, no teams
We get to the gym 30 minutes before the game is to start and there isn't a soul in sight, just 2 members of the cleaning crew who have no idea about any game.

We finally track down an AD and find out Oops, they forgot to call the officials to let them know that because of the weather, the game was cancelled. He literally said " That sucks for you".

If this happens to you, do you get paid? We didn't travel too far, I'd say about 5 or 6 miles each way, but there's time, gas and traffic.

If I miss an assignment, I have to pay a fine. ( a whole game fee ). Do you get paid if they forget to call and tell you?

This is the 2nd time in 10 years, yes, the last time, we got paid. This is a Christian school. Not sure how I feel right now. No, right now I want to get paid. In a few days, maybe I will feel different, I don't know.

Welpe Mon Jan 31, 2011 06:59pm

Maybe for varsity games it is in the contracts but for sub-varsity we don't. I've been burned a couple of times by that. All I can do is write off the mileage and any tolls I paid to get to the site.

BillyMac Mon Jan 31, 2011 07:21pm

Deadbeats ???
Around these parts, if you show up, without a cancellation contact (phone, email, Arbiter) you get paid. Period. Contact your assigner.

Jfpdi Mon Jan 31, 2011 07:27pm

If we show up at a site and Game management did not cancel us before hand we get paid unless it is a weather call. We understand that if the school is closed or after school activities are cancelled we are not to show up. I check the school website and the local radio station website which lists cancellations before I go. We are also supposed to call the AD the day before but at the latest the morning of a game to confirm we are working the game. I have yet to actually speak to an AD, I always get their voicemail but I am explicit in providing my cell # and a message to call me if anything changes. I have not had a problem with middle and high school games.

At the Rec level if we get to the site and they cancel the game we get paid. They are supposed to contact us 24 hours before the game if the game is rescheduled or cancelled unless it is for weather. Since most rec games are in school gyms we know if school is closed for weather there is no game. We also have access to the league coordinator's phone numbers to verify if there is any doubt about a game being cancelled for weather.

Maineac Mon Jan 31, 2011 07:59pm


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 724427)
Around these parts, if you show up, without a cancellation contact (phone, email, Arbiter) you get paid. Period. Contact your assigner.

Same here.

RobbyinTN Mon Jan 31, 2011 08:10pm


Originally Posted by Maineac (Post 724444)
Same here.

Same here. Fortunately I have never run into this situation as our assigner is good about letting us know as soon as he does and the schools are good about letting him know as soon as they decide to cancel.

johnnyg08 Mon Jan 31, 2011 08:14pm

Must be a new experienced AD would in their right mind say "that sucks for you" get paid or don't work there again. pretty far you had to travel should have nothing to do with's the principle of the matter. Let's reverse the scenario...let's say that officials don't show up at the your assigner going to say..."well that sucks for you" no he wouldn't.

ajjl22 Mon Jan 31, 2011 08:20pm

Around here we get a travel fee. Usually half the game fee.

JugglingReferee Mon Jan 31, 2011 08:36pm


Originally Posted by Terrapins Fan (Post 724418)
We get to the gym 30 minutes before the game is to start and there isn't a soul in sight, just 2 members of the cleaning crew who have no idea about any game.

We finally track down an AD and find out Oops, they forgot to call the officials to let them know that because of the weather, the game was cancelled. He literally said " That sucks for you".

If this happens to you, do you get paid? We didn't travel too far, I'd say about 5 or 6 miles each way, but there's time, gas and traffic.

If I miss an assignment, I have to pay a fine. ( a whole game fee ). Do you get paid if they forget to call and tell you?

This is the 2nd time in 10 years, yes, the last time, we got paid. This is a Christian school. Not sure how I feel right now. No, right now I want to get paid. In a few days, maybe I will feel different, I don't know.

Damn right I'll get paid.

You could have planned something else (such as with the family), or taken a game elsewhere, such as further away, and be paid for that game.

Adam Mon Jan 31, 2011 09:29pm


Originally Posted by johnnyg08 (Post 724448)
Must be a new experienced AD would in their right mind say "that sucks for you" get paid or don't work there again. pretty far you had to travel should have nothing to do with's the principle of the matter. Let's reverse the scenario...let's say that officials don't show up at the your assigner going to say..."well that sucks for you" no he wouldn't.


Yes, we'd get paid, which is the only real incentive they have to inform you of the cancellation. Contact your assigner (if applicable). If there's no assigner, check your state association to see if they have a policy in place; then send the AD a polite note reminding him of the policy. Provide your address as a cover. "Dear Mr. Jones, My name is Johnny Official and I was scheduled to officiate the game on xx/xx/xx, which was cancelled at the last minute. In case you don't have it on file, I've enclosed my address for you to mail my check for the game fee."

Hopefully, you have an assigner to fight that battle for you; it'll go much more slowley otherwise.

Judtech Mon Jan 31, 2011 09:40pm

We would get paid as well. However, since you said it was a Christian school, they may chalk it up to you doing the Lord's work or some type of "Missionary Officiating" I think both could be tax deductable!:D

RobbyinTN Mon Jan 31, 2011 09:44pm


Originally Posted by Judtech (Post 724479)
We would get paid as well. However, since you said it was a Christian school, they may chalk it up to you doing the Lord's work or some type of "Missionary Officiating" I think both could be tax deductable!:D

I have worked Christian schools and they would always pay me when I walked in the door. Never had any issues with them - can't say the same for some public schools. Always got paid but sometimes had to do some searching for the guy with the check :rolleyes:

Judtech Mon Jan 31, 2011 09:49pm


Originally Posted by RobbyinTN (Post 724480)
I have worked Christian schools and they would always pay me when I walked in the door. Never had any issues with them - can't say the same for some public schools. Always got paid but sometimes had to do some searching for the guy with the check :rolleyes:

Usually I have the same experience. My favorite is the school that pays from the Coke machine. We get a LOT of singles........unfortunately no place to spend them;) SO I have to walk around with a bunch of singles in my pocket

bainsey Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:16pm

The same thing happen to me last week, Terp, only I drove 30 miles. (I mentioned this in another thread.)

The AD emailed our assignor, and told him that he would call us. He didn't. I have to admit that I was seething about it.

A few days later, my partner told me that we get half a game fee plus mileage when that happens. We'll see.

BktBallRef Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:58pm


Originally Posted by Terrapins Fan (Post 724418)
We finally track down an AD and find out Oops, they forgot to call the officials to let them know that because of the weather, the game was cancelled. He literally said " That sucks for you".

"No, it sucks for you." Because in NC, you just spent $255 on three officials who don't have to work a game for their $85 each.

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