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RookieDude Mon Mar 02, 2009 06:19pm

Sliding on kness
This may seem like a very simple question...

but, there were a few veteran officials with different opinions on the correct call.

Player A1 is dribbling the ball...and while dribbling falls to the floor on his knees.
No travel. (We all agreed on that)

But, after attaining floor status his momentum causes him to slide on both knees...he picked up his dribble after he started to slide, and he continued to slide for about another foot.

One veteran said the player could have been going for a loose ball while sliding on his knees...kind of like getting a loose ball while sliding on his belly...and there would be no travel.

But, that same veteran said that since he had control of the ball after the dribble...and continued to slide, on his knees, it was a travel.

Is there a difference?...

What do you think the call is for both scenarios?

Raymond Mon Mar 02, 2009 06:20pm

Sliding on kness

I don't think Elliot would appreciate that.

AKOFL Mon Mar 02, 2009 06:23pm

I would say no travel in either one. The first is clear, the second i agree with the sit is just like sliding after gaining control of a loose ball. He went down legally and was sliding when he stopped his dribble momentum continued his slide, not walking on his knees. It's not like he was still walking after he stopped his dribble. Just my thoughts if they make any sence:rolleyes:

Adam Mon Mar 02, 2009 06:28pm

No travel, the veteran has no rules to support his distinction.

M&M Guy Mon Mar 02, 2009 06:52pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 584760)
No travel, the veteran has no rules to support his distinction.

Well, I can kinda see the point the vet makes.

4-44-5(B) is the case play - in it the player dives for a loose ball, then slides after gaining control. In RookieDude's play, the ball was never loose - the player was dribbling, fell to the knees while dribbling, then slid on the knees after picking up the dribble. How would that be different than a player who dribbles while running, picks up the dribble, then slides on his feet after picking up the dribble?

bbcoach7 Mon Mar 02, 2009 08:29pm

C'mon guys, this is a travel isn't it?
player had possession and touched the floor with other than hand or foot sounds text book to me and I'm just a bottom feeder coach.:p There was no bobble, no tip or defletion --> just dribbling & falls to knees while controling the ball in hands. This gets called a travel around here every time, I'm very sure.

If dribbling and the ball keeps bouncing with no touch as the player falls to knees and slides, THEN gains control it would be legal, correct? As long as no attempt to get up or move to seated, or roll over?

Juulie Downs Mon Mar 02, 2009 08:37pm


Originally Posted by M&M Guy (Post 584769)
How would that be different than a player who dribbles while running, picks up the dribble, then slides on his feet after picking up the dribble?

That's what I was wondering.

Old_School Mon Mar 02, 2009 08:42pm


Originally Posted by M&M Guy (Post 584769)
Well, I can kinda see the point the vet makes.

4-44-5(B) is the case play - in it the player dives for a loose ball, then slides after gaining control. In RookieDude's play, the ball was never loose - the player was dribbling, fell to the knees while dribbling, then slid on the knees after picking up the dribble. How would that be different than a player who dribbles while running, picks up the dribble, then slides on his feet after picking up the dribble?

The player who picked up the dribble and then slid on his feet moved their pivot foot. A player sliding on his knees on the floor has no pivot foot.

Juulie Downs Mon Mar 02, 2009 08:55pm


Originally Posted by Old_School (Post 584805)
The player who picked up the dribble and then slid on his feet moved their pivot foot. A player sliding on his knees on the floor has no pivot foot.

But you're not allowed to have ANY pivot knee...

Mark Padgett Mon Mar 02, 2009 09:30pm


Originally Posted by Juulie Downs (Post 584808)
But you're not allowed to have ANY pivot knee...

You can have a pivot cheek. :D

BktBallRef Mon Mar 02, 2009 09:44pm


Originally Posted by bbcoach7 (Post 584802)
player had possession and touched the floor with other than hand or foot sounds text book to me and I'm just a bottom feeder coach.:p There was no bobble, no tip or defletion --> just dribbling & falls to knees while controling the ball in hands. This gets called a travel around here every time, I'm very sure.

If dribbling and the ball keeps bouncing with no touch as the player falls to knees and slides, THEN gains control it would be legal, correct? As long as no attempt to get up or move to seated, or roll over?

No, it's not traveling.

The player was dribbling and fell to the floor. So touching the floor with other than the hand or foot is not an issue.

He legally has to ball on his knees. His momentum caused him to slide. It's no different than diving, gaining control, and continuing to slide.

fullor30 Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:23pm


Originally Posted by BadNewsRef (Post 584755)
Sliding on kness

I don't think Elliot would appreciate that.


HoopsRefJunior Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:36pm

Mark, how can you pivot on the left cheek when there is obviously more weight shifted on the right cheek? :D

BillyMac Tue Mar 03, 2009 07:30am

Always listen to matt ...

Originally Posted by Mark Padgett (Post 584818)
You can have a pivot cheek.

"But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." (Matthew 5:39)

Old_School Tue Mar 03, 2009 08:02am


Originally Posted by Juulie Downs (Post 584808)
But you're not allowed to have ANY pivot knee...

Exactly. That's why it's not traveling to slide on your knees.

M&M Guy Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:20am


Originally Posted by Old_School (Post 584903)
Exactly. That's why it's not traveling to slide on your knees.

Or stomach, or backside, or whatever, I know. I understand traveling is moving the foot or feet beyond the prescribed limits, and there is no pivot foot established in this case. But the case play deals specifically with gathering a loose ball and momentum causing the slide, or, iow, rewarding a good hustle play by not calling a violation on the slide. However, any attempt to roll over after the slide would be a travel, even though there is still no pivot foot established. Why is that? (I know, because the rule says so, but why does it say so?) I would say it is because the committee considers the rollover to be a "controlled movement", meant to circumvent the rule as written, vs. simple momentum from the slide. There are other examples of this distinction in the rules, for example setting the ball down, standing up, then picking the ball up - perfectly legal under the traveling rules, so they had to put in this exception. Momentum vs. "controlled" is also mentioned in going OOB - saving a ball from going OOB, or going OOB after attempting a layup are ok, but purposely going OOB to avoid a screen, for example, are not.

As I pictured the OP, the player had control the whole time, first by dribble, then by holding, while attempting a Fred Astaire/Curly Neal-type slide on the knees. To me, that seems to circumvent the traveling rules. However, if the ball was loose at any time, and fall to the knees was part of the attempt to recover, then I got nuthin'.

love2refbball Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:28am

It's the sequence of events that makes it not a travel.
1. dribbling
2. falls to knees while still dribbling
3. slides on knees
4. picks up dribble WHILE sliding on knees

BUT, if he:
1. dribbling
2. falls to knees while still dribbling
3. picks up dribble THEN slides on knees
he is traveling.

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