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Lotto Wed Oct 29, 2008 05:46pm

Looking for CCA Women's primary areas of responsibility court diagram
Does anyone have an image of the current CCA Women's primary areas of responsibility as a court diagram? I don't have a manual and need to have could use something to refer to on Saturday.

Any other downloadable resources on CCA Women's mechanics would be appreciated as well!

Thanks in advance!!

OHBBREF Thu Oct 30, 2008 09:24am

go to and there are some downloads there.

as far as the court I do not have a diagram with me
but it is basically
the Lead has the lane to the FT line extended to the sideline on that side of the floor including outside the arc.
the Trail has from the FT line to the back court line from sideline to the opposite side of the lane line
and the Center has from baseline to back court line his side of the floor.

lead has baseline responsiblities OB and can issue throwins below FT line same side but not the count or violations.

center has OB resposibilities on his side line as does lead.

naturally there are overlaping areas covered by two or more based on match ups
but that is the basic line up.
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