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LarryS Sun Mar 03, 2002 10:19am

Just finished my first year (78 games). I decided to start after all the camps in the area were concluded so I had to rely on input from vets and boards like this for most of my "knowledge".

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for the great discussions and feedback on this board. I know you made the year easier for me and better for the kids in the games I called. I worked really hard on to catch up, and think I did a decent job.

Yesterday after the final game on the tournament I was calling, a couple of parents and a coach from the stands came up to me and my partner and complimented our work. They said "Y'all are the best pair we have had all year." I understand that the comparison may be against guys they think were really bad and our quality is relative, but it is nice to hear something good said about your effort. Don't have to worry about them fishing for something next week because there is no next week.

Thanks again. Already looking forward to summer ball and camps.

mick Sun Mar 03, 2002 11:30am

Larry S.,
It's kinda like shooting a bird on the last hole.
"Let's go another round!!!"

rainmaker Sun Mar 03, 2002 09:37pm


Originally posted by LarryS
...Yesterday after the final game on the tournament I was calling, a couple of parents and a coach from the stands came up to me and my partner and complimented our work. They said "Y'all are the best pair we have had all year." I understand that the comparison may be against guys they think were really bad and our quality is relative, but it is nice to hear something good said about your effort.
The general rule seems to be, "If you don't listen to the criticism, you can't listen to the praise." But I have allowed myself to feel okay if, say, both coaches come and compliment me. Or if one coach is giving me a rough time, but after the game says, "I'm sorry about yelling, you handled me very well." Or if parents from the losing team say they appreciated how we did the game. These people don't know amy more about reffing than the complainers, but they recognize the people skills, and the effort and respect you are giving the kids, and you can take that appreciation to the bank!

williebfree Sun Mar 03, 2002 09:47pm

Congrats Larry
Nice to hear that you have a positive overview of your first season.

Let me suggest that you continue to frequent this site to keep your "reffing gears" working until the next season. Many of us "work" basketball nearly year-round, so there is always new material being discussed.

ReadyToRef Fri Mar 08, 2002 09:35am

Many of us "work" basketball nearly year-round, so there is always new material being discussed.

Our season seems to be so short here, how exactly do you get to call games year round?

mick Fri Mar 08, 2002 09:41am

I think...

Originally posted by ReadyToRef
Many of us "work" basketball nearly year-round, so there is always new material being discussed.

Our season seems to be so short here, how exactly do you get to call games year round?

...willie has trouble with game management.
His Wisconsin games are in a permanent state of overtime.

BktBallRef Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:52pm

Re: I think...

Originally posted by mick

Originally posted by ReadyToRef
Many of us "work" basketball nearly year-round, so there is always new material being discussed.

Our season seems to be so short here, how exactly do you get to call games year round?

...willie has trouble with game management.
His Wisconsin games are in a permanent state of overtime.


Tim Roden Sat Mar 09, 2002 02:59am

Don't get too big of a head. They may have been comparing you with a previous you who had called a rotten game for him. Just consider that in 78 games, you have done a tremendous amount of improving. Now do some summer league and go to camp. You'll really be ready for the big time soon.

How do you get games year round? First be registered with an association that calls a lot of basketball. If you are on that list, assignors will call. I have not had to do much in the way of soliciting games. I just tell whoever that I am available for whatever they got as long as it falls on certain nights or days and they have moved other officials to accomidate my availability. So by saying you can do Saturday morning until noon, they have moved people from morning to afternoon so they can get me in that slot.

dblref Sat Mar 09, 2002 06:09pm

We go year round here in northern VA. Seems like there is never more than a 2-3 week break. Lot of house leagues (some pretty good) and AAU ball around here.

williebfree Sun Mar 10, 2002 08:49am

Readyto Ref

Originally posted by ReadyToRef
Many of us "work" basketball nearly year-round, so there is always new material being discussed.

Our season seems to be so short here, how exactly do you get to call games year round?

Keep an ear open, you will be amazed at the amount of basketball activity that goes on around you. I started networking with other officials, coaches, etc... I found a few leagues that play for 6 weeks in the summer, and there are various other "travel team" tourneys throughout the summer. Granted, it is not nearly as busy as the "regular" season, but it does offer a chance to keep the rust from building on too deep.


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