- - In the Act of Shooting?
Fri Jan 04, 2008 02:52am
Whoa nelly! I've got a travel.
Either way, that defensive player would be doing a little running the following day for being the bone-head of the game.
Fri Jan 04, 2008 08:54am
Originally Posted by grunewar
You think it was controversial the refs calling this a non-shooting foul.....can you imagine if they would have called the travel? :eek:
I actually think a travel would be the LEAST controversial call they could have made! Travel occurred prior to any contact and prior to the start of any try...nothing after the travel matters....it might have been controversial for two seconds after until they showed the replay, but there wouldn't be a bunch of officials debating it on a chat board the next day:)
Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:17pm
Originally Posted by kbilla
....hey college guys this isn't a reviewable one is it?
Whether a player was or wasn't in the act of shooting is a judgement call, which is not allowed to be reviewed with courtside equipment.