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kbilla Mon Dec 17, 2007 03:50pm

Tips for starting sharp?
Fri night, BV, 3-whistle game. R throws the jump and I end up C. We transition once, and then back and on this transition A1 goes up on a break for a layup and B1 blocks it "off the glass". Nothing like the first whistle of the night being a bang-bang BI call. It took me a second but I got the call, wasn't too delayed and obviously the correct call. My question is this. It always seems like the first few times up and down I am in a bit of a fog, just settling in to the game, etc. Any tips for what you do to get a "mental warm-up", so when these relatively unusual things happen right at the start you are prepared for them?

tomegun Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:01pm

Talk about plays that could surprise you during your pregame.

Can you explain the play in a little more detail? I might be in a fog right now and don't understand where you got BI.

Smitty Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:03pm


Originally Posted by tomegun
Can you explain the play in a little more detail? I might be in a fog right now and don't understand where you got BI.

I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to be the first idiot to ask. So thanks, Tom. :D

Bearfanmike20 Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:07pm

I'm guessing but..

Basket Interferance. Ball is coming off the glass and then it gets blocked.

tomegun Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:14pm


Originally Posted by Bearfanmike20
I'm guessing but..

Basket Interferance. Ball is coming off the glass and then it gets blocked.

That doesn't sound right either.

Adam Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:14pm


Originally Posted by Bearfanmike20
I'm guessing but..

Basket Interferance. Ball is coming off the glass and then it gets blocked.

Sounds legal to me.

kbilla Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:16pm


Originally Posted by tomegun
Talk about plays that could surprise you during your pregame.

Can you explain the play in a little more detail? I might be in a fog right now and don't understand where you got BI.

A1 drives to the basket, lays the ball off the glass and B1 then pins it on the backboard - apologies, I suppose goaltending is technically the correct call since the ball is in a downward flight above the basket, I sometimes (I know not technically correct) refer to them interchangeably since the signal and penalty is the same...

Splute Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:19pm

I believe he must be referring to goal tending. that is the only call if the ball is NOT in contact with the rim or imaginary cylinder above the rim. Since the op refers to hitting it off the glass; I am going with goal tending.
Now specifically to his question regarding tips.... I have not been doing this long enough to interject any pertinent info, other than to agree with the comments about pre-game communication. In fact I discussed this issue pregame of a 10th grade boys because it was the first game in which their was actually the possibility of this happening (tall, agile boys). didnt come up during the game, but I thought about the possibility pre game and had my mind atuned to it....

Ch1town Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:20pm

kbilla, I believe the difference is with goaltending the ball is touched...

I assure you that some vet(s) will be by to correct me if I'm wrong.

Adam Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:21pm


Originally Posted by kbilla
A1 drives to the basket, lays the ball off the glass and B1 then pins it on the backboard - apologies, I suppose goaltending is technically the correct call since the ball is in a downward flight above the basket, I sometimes (I know not technically correct) refer to them interchangeably since the signal and penalty is the same...

Gotcha. What threw me (and presumably others) off was the reference to the glass. It's irrelevant whether it's hit the glass or not. All that matters for GT is whether it's on the way down on a try and if it has a chance to go in. If it hits the glass, but is still on the way up when the defense blocks it, it's legal.

Mark Padgett Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:21pm


Originally Posted by kbilla
Any tips for what you do to get a "mental warm-up"

I just make sure I take the "good" meds. :rolleyes:

tomegun Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:22pm


Originally Posted by kbilla
A1 drives to the basket, lays the ball off the glass and B1 then pins it on the backboard - apologies, I suppose goaltending is technically the correct call since the ball is in a downward flight above the basket, I sometimes (I know not technically correct) refer to them interchangeably since the signal and penalty is the same...

OK, IMO you have to find that thing that works for you. I used to have this problem and one of my friends really got on me about it. You have to be ready, start at 100mph or whatever else will get you going. Additionally, it will not hurt to pregame goaltending/BI, block/charge or any other call that can happen quick.

kbilla Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:24pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Gotcha. What threw me (and presumably others) off was the reference to the glass. It's irrelevant whether it's hit the glass or not. All that matters for GT is whether it's on the way down on a try and if it has a chance to go in. If it hits the glass, but is still on the way up when the defense blocks it, it's legal.

Correct, which is a hell of a distinction to try to make at full speed, but one I have made before as well much to the dismay of a coach!! Like I said I use them interchangeably in conversation and "BI" is easier to type than "goaltending";)

kbilla Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:25pm


Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
I just make sure I take the "good" meds. :rolleyes:

Where can I score some of those?

kbilla Mon Dec 17, 2007 04:28pm


Originally Posted by tomegun
OK, IMO you have to find that thing that works for you. I used to have this problem and one of my friends really got on me about it. You have to be ready, start at 100mph or whatever else will get you going. Additionally, it will not hurt to pregame goaltending/BI, block/charge or any other call that can happen quick.

Funny thing is during pre-game as R was over checking the books, U1 and I got together and he said something about being aware of BI/goaltending b/c there were several players he was watching that were playing above the rim...probably the primary reason I was as prepared as I was and it still caught me a little off guard. I guess the kids get stretched out a little faster than we do!

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