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Grail Tue Mar 13, 2007 09:48am

Article on Illinois Fan Behavior

Anyone think this will matter. I'm guessing that those that should notice would agree, and say "glad I'm not like that".

rockyroad Tue Mar 13, 2007 09:58am

And yet the "talking heads" of the sports world and people on this board are bashing the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for wanting to deal with just this type of fan behavior...

WhistlesAndStripes Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:19am

I think WIAA was being bashed more for the weak "stance" they were tying to take. WIAA Just wants to implement "guidelines" that really have any backbone behind them.

rockyroad Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:31am


Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes
I think WIAA was being bashed more for the weak "stance" they were tying to take. WIAA Just wants to implement "guidelines" that really have any backbone behind them.

Then you haven't read the proposals, just listened to what people on the radio are saying...schools that fail to comply can be fined and/or lose berths at state and district tournaments...

WhistlesAndStripes Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:32am


Originally Posted by rockyroad
Then you haven't read the proposals, just listened to what people on the radio are saying...schools that fail to comply can be fined and/or lose berths at state and district tournaments...

Actually, I read what was written in one of the local papers. You are correct that I hadn't heard about those possible penalties. Have they been instituted yet, or still just in discussion?

JRutledge Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:00pm


Originally Posted by rockyroad
And yet the "talking heads" of the sports world and people on this board are bashing the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for wanting to deal with just this type of fan behavior...

Many people have been critical largely because of the kinds of things they want to hold teams to. I do not think penalizing teams with playoff assignments is the way to go. Just get rid of the fans whose comments and behavior is appropriate. I just do not think you should penalize players for the actions. And at the very least do not penalize a team for booing.


Junker Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:14pm

Hey Rocky, do you have examples of what they want to impliment as far as punishments? I only read the article that was posted here and in that article it only talks about guidelines. I agreed that if they are only guidelines, then their new policy has no real teeth. I'd be interested to read any actual penalties for violations.

WhistlesAndStripes Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:45pm


Originally Posted by JRutledge
Just get rid of the fans whose comments and behavior is appropriate.

Why would you get rid of fans whose comments and behavior is appropriate? This seems to send the wrong message to me. :D

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