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Michael Linden Sun Nov 18, 2001 12:05pm

ItÂ’s that time of year for HS basketball, and with it comes the producing of the basketball yearly program. Besides all of the team/player photos and the game schedule I would like to include the rules of the game, not uncommon for programs. I was wondering if anyone might have any high quality graphics (EPS, TIFF, and JPEG) 300 dpi or better of the official hand signals and possibly a court dimension layout. I have looked at the different web sites, but all are 72 dpi, which doesn't print on paper very clearly. If anyone knows of a site that offers these I would be most appreciative.

[email protected]

BigDave Sun Nov 18, 2001 12:33pm

just a suggestion
How about getting an official's manual and scanning the various images you need?

williebfree Sun Nov 18, 2001 12:58pm

The following are URLs to the NFHS Webpage which offers what you have requested.

Good luck!

BktBallRef Sun Nov 18, 2001 01:25pm

How about a page that addresses all of the myths that fans believe are actually rules? :(

Mark Padgett Sun Nov 18, 2001 01:32pm


Originally posted by BktBallRef
How about a page that addresses all of the myths that fans believe are actually rules? :(
There's not that many trees in the whole world to make enought paper to print that.

Just yesterday, my son and I were doing an 8th grade boys rec game. Another ref, Juulie (Rainmaker) came early for her shift and was sitting next to the scorer. At a timeout, she mentioned to me that an "expert" in the stands had already yelled for "over the back", "3 seconds (on shots being taken) and "reaching". We decided to keep track of how many cliches he would come up with. Each time he did, I would yell at her to add it to the list.

He wound up with the three mentioned above, plus "over and back" on a throwin, "traveling" on a play where a player slid to get control of a loose ball, "he can't do that" on, I think, a player going OOB and then being first to touch (it was legal in this situation) and my personal favorite - "he's hopping" on a jump stop.

I should mention that he used the over the back, the reach and the 3 seconds numerous times.

I also had an assistant coach insist it was a foul if a defender slapped a ball handler's hand while he was holding the ball. Oh yeah, it was even worse if he "reached" in from the side. I guess he wanted two fouls for that.

Rec leagues are cool.

Michael Linden Mon Nov 19, 2001 06:41am

Thanks for the information! The 'nfhs' web site has what I was looking for. That's the thing about the Net, you know its there somewhere, but its a needle in haystack to find it sometimes. I also liked the ideas about all of the myths and non-existent calls. Someone should put together a collection of pages that all High School programs should include. Maybe three levels, basic stuff, moderate (little known stuff), and a historical level (history of the game, great plays, etc.).
Thanks again!

williebfree Tue Nov 20, 2001 09:49am

Info is there, if you know where to look
Myths (Misunderstood rules)

Then go to the "Programs & Rules" (Link on the left side)

BTW: Thank ART N for that effort.

rainmaker Wed Nov 21, 2001 04:14am

Padgett --

I KNEW this guy would make it onto this board!! In fact, that's the reason I'm here at 1 am on my husband's computer was to affirm my hunch. This guy really was a classic, wasn't he? The coach of this team was a real gem, too, and just before halftime I asked him, "Did you pay him to sit over there and yell all those things?" The coach says, "It saves me the trouble and the T's!"

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