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crazy voyager Mon Jan 08, 2007 08:07am

Sending player out with one T (FIBA rules)
I read through another thread here about taunting T's and I was thinking.

Usually, officials send players out when they get their second Technical. How ever, scince there is no rule on this, players may continue to play if the official say so (so in theory you can play with 4 T's).

Now to my question, is it then possible to send a player out on the first T.
In the other thread somebody (can't remember who) sent a A1. When she walked out B1 waved at her saying "See ya". The official then sent B1 out as well.

Now, this was NCAA rules I think. In FIBA, would it be legal to hand out a T for this (scince it's not a physical contact you can't have an unsportsmanlike. And Calling a DQ for this seams excessive to me) and then send the player out.
B1 would only have one Technical, but would still have to leave the gym.

eg-italy Mon Jan 08, 2007 08:25am


Originally Posted by crazy voyager
I read through another thread here about taunting T's and I was thinking.

Usually, officials send players out when they get their second Technical. How ever, since there is no rule on this, players may continue to play if the official say so (so in theory you can play with 4 T's).

Now to my question, is it then possible to send a player out on the first T.
In the other thread somebody (can't remember who) sent out A1. When she walked out, B1 waved at her saying "See ya". The official then sent B1 out as well.

Now, this was NCAA rules I think. In FIBA, would it be legal to hand out a T for this (since it's not a physical contact you can't have an unsportsmanlike. And Calling a DQ for this seems excessive to me) and then send the player out.
B1 would only have one Technical, but would still have to leave the gym.

There is no such a beast as a "technical foul with go out". It is either a T or a disqualifying foul. A disqualifying foul can be technical or unsportsmanlike (no contact or contact, unrelated to the status, live or dead, of the ball).

If you don't think that the behavior of B1 is worthy a D, then it is a T and the player can remain on the court. If B1 had already got a T for unsporting behavior, then this second T should be called directly as a D: not by rule, but by common sense.


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