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Chess Ref Tue Jan 02, 2007 04:18pm

College Question and observations.
I went to Boise, Idaho this last weekend for the MPC Bowl. I got there a couple of days early and got to see a doubleheader between Idaho State and Boise State, men and woman.

First my question. Player A is called for a shooting foul. He is not happy with the call -slams the ball down and gets the expected tweet. I am assuming the administration is different then HS because they cleared the lanes shot the T shots. Then they lined up and shot the original 2 free throws and play continued from that point. So for mens college was that the correct procedure ?

My perception of the 6 refs were that 5 of the 6 seemed really strong. Looked good, acted professionally . IMHO did a really good job. The other one also looked good and overall seemed on top of things. But I could tell he was the newby of his crew. Minor mess ups in rotating and even gave up a call that IMO he had right and the senior guy was too aggressive in taking. A foul versus a violation kinda thing.

The womans game was the best womans game I have seen. Real clean, making shots and not too any jump balls, unlike my JV girls that I do.....

JRutledge Tue Jan 02, 2007 04:25pm


Originally Posted by Chess Ref
First my question. Player A is called for a shooting foul. He is not happy with the call -slams the ball down and gets the expected tweet. I am assuming the administration is different then HS because they cleared the lanes shot the T shots. Then they lined up and shot the original 2 free throws and play continued from that point. So for mens college was that the correct procedure ?



lorenj Tue Jan 02, 2007 04:45pm


Originally Posted by Chess Ref
Player A is called for a shooting foul. He is not happy with the call -slams the ball down and gets the expected tweet. I am assuming the administration is different then HS because they cleared the lanes shot the T shots. Then they lined up and shot the original 2 free throws and play continued from that point. So for mens college was that the correct procedure?

Yes. According to NCAA rule 4-51.1:
"Point of interruption is a procedure used to resume play because of... e. Any technical foul(s)."

You can also find this information in the NFHS rule book where it lists major rules differences between NCAA and NFHS rules (pg. 79).

Nevadaref Wed Jan 03, 2007 02:51am


Originally Posted by Chess Ref
I went to Boise, Idaho this last weekend for the MPC Bowl.

You lucky b@stard! :) You got to see one good college football game. It wasn't the BSU-OK game, but it was still exciting.


Originally Posted by Chess Ref
So for mens college was that the correct procedure?

The answer is yes. For that type of technical foul (unsporting foul) the FTs are awarded immediately and then the game is resumed at the POI.
In an NCAA Men's game only an intentional technical foul (dead ball contact with an opponent) or a flagrant foul (personal or technical) carry the awarding of possession of the ball at the division line and would be shot following the other FTs (as in NFHS).

Back In The Saddle Wed Jan 03, 2007 03:17am


Originally Posted by Chess Ref
I went to Boise, Idaho this last weekend for the MPC Bowl. I got there a couple of days early and got to see a doubleheader between Idaho State and Boise State, <font color="red">men and woman</font>.

I was told once that they've found something that will do the work of three men: a woman. But the work of 10 men? No wonder the game was so clean. Hard to have a jump ball with only one player? :D

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