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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 12:21pm
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Here's One:
Correctable Error situation-NFHS

A1 shoots a one and one bonus free throw. A1 misses the first shot and play resumes. B1 fouls A2 after the missed free throw. The scorers tell the Referee they made a mistake and A1 should have shot 2 free throws because Team A was in the Double Bonus. Do you clear the lanes and have A1 shoot his second free throw? Then line everybody up for A2's Double Bonus shots with play resuming from there? One Referee in our association told me to disregard all fouls during a CE situation unless the foul was intentional or flagrant. Is this right? If so what team gets the ball and where after A1 shoots his 2nd free throw?

Confused Rookie
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 12:48pm
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Do you clear the lanes and have A1 shoot his second free throw? Then line everybody up for A2's Double Bonus shots with play resuming from there?

Rule 2-10-6: "If an error is corrected, play shall be resumed from the point at which it was interrupted to rectify the error, unless it involves awarding a merited free throw(s) and there has been no change of team possession since the error was made, in which case play shall resume as after any free-throw attempt(s)."

Since there was no change of possession, 2-10-6 says that play shall resume after the merited free throw attempt. What this says to me is that A2 should shoot his double bonus first (w/ no one lined up on the lane), and then A1 should shoot his 2nd throw with play resuming as after any free throw.

But i don't really have a problem with A1 shooting first then A2. The key is that the second foul counts and that A2 gets his shots...

One Referee in our association told me to disregard all fouls during a CE situation unless the foul was intentional or flagrant. Is this right?

No. Rule 2-10-4: "If the error is a free throw by the wrong player or at the wrong basket, or the awarding of an unmerited free throw, the free throw and the activity during it, other than unsportsmanlike, flagrant, intentional or technical fouls, shall be canceled." For any other correctable error, all activity counts. (2-10-5)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 01:16am
KDM KDM is offline
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Player A1 is allowed the 2nd FT to correct the error with the lane cleared. Then you resume play with player A2 attempting the double bonus.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 01:16am
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Originally posted by ken roberts on 01-19-2000 11:48 AM
What this says to me is that A2 should shoot his double bonus first (w/ no one lined up on the lane), and then A1 should shoot his 2nd throw with play resuming as after any free throw.

But i don't really have a problem with A1 shooting first then A2. The key is that the second foul counts and that A2 gets his shots...

That's true - both get you to the same point, but we should still follow the general rule of officiating: Administer things in the order in which they occured.

Since A1 was foulded first, we want to go ahead and get his free throw (that was mistakenly not awarded) taken care of. Then get A2 on the line for his free throws and resume play from there.

Besides, get the correctable error taken care of so that the coaches won't be bothering you about it
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2000, 01:21am
TGR TGR is offline
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You wrote :"Do you clear the lanes and have A1 shoot his second free throw? Then line everybody up for A2's Double Bonus shots with play resuming from there?" The answers to your questions are Yes and Yes.
What the official in your organization told you is false. See 2.10.4 & 5.
Article 4:...If the error is a free throw by the wrong player or at the wrong basket, or the awarding of an unmerited free throw, the free throw and the activity during it, other than unsportsmanlike, flagrant, intentional or technical fouls, shall be canceled.
**This rule does not apply to your situation**
Article 5:...Points scored, consumed time and additional activity, which may occur prior to the recognition of an error, shall not be nullified...
**This rule does apply to your situation**
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