bgtg19 |
Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:01am |
I'm sure it will be said that Jacksonville's coach should have been dealt with earlier than the third quarter if the reporter/columnist's description is accurate ... and I suppose that I would agree that more proactive measures were needed by the officials. But I will also say that I am sad that schools themselves don't deal with their coaches. Maybe after rushing the court this coach will finally lose his job -- maybe not. But I think the school itself is shamed by allowing a coach to ever get to that point.
I thought the following paragraph in the article was interesting: "It may seem offhand of me to say it, but, given that refereeing is a largely subjective, always-difficult job, wouldnt it behoove basketball coaches to accept that its all probably going to even out over the course of a season and focus on what they can control: their own teams performance?"
That has occurred to a few of us, too....