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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat Apr 21, 2001, 11:57pm
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Hey, guys and gals, I learned about a new rule that apparently is in the process of being put into effect. This nice coach told me about it. The exact wording is "If the defender's feet are off the floor, it's a forced out." The case book on this is that the coach's player was dribbling along the baseline and stepped out of bounds. I called her on it and that's when he told me about it.

He also told me some things I didn't know about my grandmother, my religion and my ophthalmologist. I was so glad to learn all this new information, that I thanked him politely, as he was leaving!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 22, 2001, 07:41am
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Hey, guys and gals, I learned about a new rule that apparently is in the process of being put into effect. This nice coach told me about it. The exact wording is "If the defender's feet are off the floor, it's a forced out." The case book on this is that the coach's player was dribbling along the baseline and stepped out of bounds. I called her on it and that's when he told me about it.

He also told me some things I didn't know about my grandmother, my religion and my ophthalmologist. I was so glad to learn all this new information, that I thanked him politely, as he was leaving!
I'm not sure what you just said... maybe in this application.
A1 dribbling next to sideline and B1 lightly bumps A1 with similar contact not being called as a foul the whole game, but forcing A1 out of bounds.

Do we call
  • A1 out of bounds?
  • B1 for a cheap foul?
  • A1 forced out, and A ball for throw-in?

    Actually, I would welcome such a rule.

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      #3 (permalink)  
    Old Sun Apr 22, 2001, 04:57pm
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    Send a message via AIM to rainmaker
    Mick --

    There was very light contact, if any. She went out of bounds because she wasn't paying close enugh attention. The defender did force her out, but it was a legal "force". I'm not sure exactly what the coach thought, maybe he thought the contact was enough for a foul. He certainly didn't express himself very well! I just thought the wording was hilarious -- complete nonsense!
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      #4 (permalink)  
    Old Sun Apr 22, 2001, 05:34pm
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    When you miss someone's sarcasm, that person has truly become a master! Congrats Juulie and welcome to the club!

    " cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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      #5 (permalink)  
    Old Sun Apr 22, 2001, 06:44pm
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    Thumbs up I hear ya.

    Originally posted by rainmaker
    Mick --

    There was very light contact, if any. She went out of bounds because she wasn't paying close enugh attention. The defender did force her out, but it was a legal "force". I'm not sure exactly what the coach thought, maybe he thought the contact was enough for a foul. He certainly didn't express himself very well! I just thought the wording was hilarious -- complete nonsense!
    With his :
      "If the defender's feet are off the floor, it's a forced out." ,

    depicting his intelligence, he is probably an XFL fan, too.
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      #6 (permalink)  
    Old Sun Apr 22, 2001, 08:24pm
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    Hey, what's wrong with the XFL?!!?!? ;-)

    BTW, the coach is right. You know - the secret summer meetings where all of the coaches in the world come together and decide which rules won't be enforced the next season!

    Oops, guess it's not a secret anymore.

    (I'd best go join the Witness Protection Program.)
    "To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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      #7 (permalink)  
    Old Sun Apr 22, 2001, 09:24pm
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    Not to make light of this....

    This is National Crime Victims Rights Week (April 22-28)Could it also be construed as an "Coach Enlightenment Week?"
    "Stay in the game!"
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      #8 (permalink)  
    Old Mon Apr 23, 2001, 02:00am
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    Actually, Juulie - the NBA used to have a "force out" rule. If a player was near the sideline with the ball, and a defender pushed him OOB, but in the opinion of the ref there was not enough contact for a foul, the ref could call a "force out" and give the ball back to the dribbler for a throw-in.

    However, a few years ago, they finally got wise and realized that if there was not enough contact for a foul, then the player went OOB due to normal contact and it was a violation. Conversly, if there was enough contact for a foul, then it was a foul. In other words, contact either has to be a foul or a no-call - DUH!

    Bringing this rule back at the HS level would be a disaster.
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      #9 (permalink)  
    Old Mon Apr 23, 2001, 08:35am
    Posts: n/a
    Originally posted by Mark Padgett

    Bringing this rule back at the HS level would be a disaster.
    I agree, this would only lead to more "discussion" ammunition for the coaches. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair but at least we have a clean cut ruling, to change that and leave the door open for more interpretation would only open another can of worms.
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      #10 (permalink)  
    Old Mon Apr 23, 2001, 10:17am
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    I also hate the idea of a "force out". My player goes down the sideline and gets a turnover now he comes whining to me about being forced out. I tell him to stay away from the sideline, that is where the defense wants to set up traps. Take your seat and think about what you did wrong.
    Coach B
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      #11 (permalink)  
    Old Mon Apr 23, 2001, 10:35am
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    Originally posted by CoachB
    I also hate the idea of a "force out". My player goes down the sideline and gets a turnover now he comes whining to me about being forced out. I tell him to stay away from the sideline, that is where the defense wants to set up traps. Take your seat and think about what you did wrong.
    Sounds good to me.
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      #12 (permalink)  
    Old Wed Apr 25, 2001, 11:26am
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    Dick DiVencio has a great book out called Stuff Every Player Should Know About Basketball. It is a series of unconnected thoughts (over 200 I believe) that intend to teach players subtle aspects of the game that they should know to be better players. One deals with establishing boundaries. He suggests that a player's lane should be 1 ft wider than the real lane, the player's sideline three feet in from the actual sideline. The reason for the first is to avoid a ref mistaking you for being in the lane for 3 secs because the player is close, or the player accidentally standing on rather than next to the lane line. The reason for the latter is to avoid being forced out by another player. I teach all of my ball handlers this concept so they don't whine about another player pushing them out of bounds. If you are three feet inside the line and get pushed out, that's a foul in almost any league. If you get bumped when you are right next to the line, almost always OOB.
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      #13 (permalink)  
    Old Wed Apr 25, 2001, 12:56pm
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    If you are three feet inside the line and get pushed out, that's a foul in almost any league. If you get bumped when you are right next to the line, almost always OOB.

    This is even by rule. If there is not enough space for the offenive player to get around the defensive player, the offensive player bears greater responsibility for the contact. Most officials I know interpret this to mean OOB rather than a PC foul (unless the contact is severe).

    Let me know if I have mistated anything. (Like I should have any doubt about being corrected if I'm wrong)
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      #14 (permalink)  
    Old Wed Apr 25, 2001, 01:30pm
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    Juulie: Where did you say you refed this game ??? I swear I had the same coach on my butt last night!!!
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      #15 (permalink)  
    Old Wed Apr 25, 2001, 02:04pm
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    Lightbulb Where it gets tough for me

    Originally posted by mikesears
    If you are three feet inside the line and get pushed out, that's a foul in almost any league. If you get bumped when you are right next to the line, almost always OOB.

    This is even by rule. If there is not enough space for the offenive player to get around the defensive player, the offensive player bears greater responsibility for the contact. Most officials I know interpret this to mean OOB rather than a PC foul (unless the contact is severe).

    Let me know if I have mistated anything. (Like I should have any doubt about being corrected if I'm wrong)
    When the dribbler gets past the defender, just inside the line, and very little contact puts them outa bounds, is when I hafta ask myself, "What now ?". But from now on, I am gonna call the dribbler out (as I do most of the time), and tell them, and their coaches, that if they have any problem with that then they should go to the clinics of CoachB and Hawks Coach.
    That should take care of any problem.
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