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ROMANO Mon Jun 13, 2005 01:04pm

Hello All.
Maybe it's an hallucinatory question..but still i want to ask something.
I'm 26 years old, and I'm an official in the Israeli first division.
How can i become one of the NBA officials?
Is there any tests or clinic ?
Thank you very much for you'r help.

ChrisSportsFan Mon Jun 13, 2005 01:17pm

You might have to move.

ChuckElias Mon Jun 13, 2005 01:18pm


It's incredibly hard to make the NBA, and it's got to be even harder for an official from outside the United States. There are camps in the US where NBA observers go to scout talent. Also, very good NCAA officials are sometimes recruited for the NBA. I don't know what you should do from Israel to get noticed or recruited.

ROMANO Mon Jun 13, 2005 01:24pm


Originally posted by ChrisSportsFan
You might have to move.
It's not the problem, or maybe is the easy one..
For me it's a Dream to officiat in the country of the basketball.
I'm sure it will be incredibly hard to make the NBA, but still, are this camps open to all? or only to the us refrees?
Are there any NBA officials here, in the forum?

[Edited by ROMANO on Jun 13th, 2005 at 02:49 PM]

ChrisSportsFan Mon Jun 13, 2005 01:41pm

They are looking for the best of the best so for starters, you want to make sure you are in the elite group in your area of the world. I would guess that you guys use some different mechanics than we do in the states and maybe even some slightly different rules. You have to be really on top of your game and even then you might not be recognized at one of these camps.

All that said, a goal is not a goal without writing it down. Make yourself some short term goals that will lead you to your long term dream. Remember, everything depends upon execution, just having a vision is no solution. If that's your dream, don't look back in 25 years and ask, what if....

brandan89 Mon Jun 13, 2005 01:51pm

Go to this may/may not help you out. I believe they have information on their camps on the site.
I do not believe there are any NBA officals on this forum. Good Luck.

ROMANO Mon Jun 13, 2005 01:57pm

Thank you for you'r help.
and for ChrisSportsFan
i belive i'm one of the best refrees in my country, and
you'r suggestions about the goals, are really good, and that's why i asked you to get some info about how can i become NBA refree..
anywhy thanks again.

brainbrian Mon Jun 13, 2005 04:52pm

Before you decide to referee in the NBA I suggest that you watch a lot of NBA games. If you've never seen an NBA game you might not really know what it's like. It might be different than what your use to.

Mark Padgett Mon Jun 13, 2005 05:11pm

David - you're always welcome to come to Portland and work in my local rec league. Of course, I wouldn't schedule you for games on Friday nights or Saturdays. ;)

BTW - you could even stay at my house, although we don't "keep Kosher". My wife knows a lot of nice shiksas and I could set you up with one.

Seriously, if you ever come to the States, especially the Pacific Northwest, let me know.

dhodges007 Tue Jun 14, 2005 04:36am

ROMANO Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:19pm


Originally posted by Mark Padgett

My wife knows a lot of nice shiksas and I could set you up with one.

Who care about join in the NBA ...
I'm comming Brother!!

ROMANO Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:19pm


Originally posted by Mark Padgett

My wife knows a lot of nice shiksas and I could set you up with one.

Who care about join in the NBA ...
I'm comming Brother!!

Jurassic Referee Tue Jun 14, 2005 01:07pm


Originally posted by ROMANO

Originally posted by Mark Padgett

My wife knows a lot of nice shiksas and I could set you up with one.

Who care about join in the NBA ...
I'm coming Brother!!

Me too.

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