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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 04:30am
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I'm attending my first referee clinic in July. Are there any do's or don'ts that I should do? What extra should come with me? Thanks
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 08:25am
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Do hustle, listen, and make adjustments as you get new ideas from clinicians. Don't say "but I think." Only explain yourself if asked. As far as things to take, make sure you have your full uniform, shoes shined and look like you're ready to take the floor. A notebook for class sessions isn't a bad idea either.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 08:26am
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1. Have fun.
2. Positive attitude.
3. Take input with humility. When in Rome, do as the Romans want it. Sometimes they'll give advice to the whole crew that doesn't apply to you, just listen and apply what is applicable.
4. Listen up good during the "host's" sessions as they will give you lots of tidbits as to how they want the game called, coaches dealt with, game mgmt, etc. Then go do it.
5. Brush your teeth.

I'm sure guys will offer many more suggestions.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 08:55am
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Brush your teeth? I knew there was a reason I wasn't moving up!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 09:01am
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Originally posted by Junker
Brush your teeth? I knew there was a reason I wasn't moving up!
I suppose we will have to shower next!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 09:08am
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To be honest, Dave, I didn't have a lot of fun at my first camp. I was just too nervous. I was really glad I did it, but I wasn't able to enjoy it at the time.

Having said that. . .

Notebook is a very good idea. You'll hear lots of stuff, and you won't remember it all in November. So write as much as you can.

Somebody mentioned "full uniform". I would highly recommend that you ask what the camp uniform is. You don't want to take pants, when everybody else is in shorts. Conversely, you don't want to take shorts and then have to drive to Walmart to buy two pairs of black polyester pants and then stay up till midnight removing the beltloops. (Take my word for it, this is the voice of experience. You don't want to do that.) Most summer camps only require shorts, although not all, as I discovered If you're wearing shorts, I would recommend white ankle socks with your black shoes. Some guys wear black socks, I think they look geeky (although not as bad as if you wore them with white shoes, like my dad). Some guys wear tall socks, I think that looks too '80s.

You've got two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen to everything, but don't offer excuses or suggestions unless specifically asked. Some of the things you hear from different observers may contradict each other or you may just disagree with what was said. That's ok. Just throw it out. But don't try to dispute with the observers. I'm sure you know that already. You don't want to be the guy who says "Yeah, but. . .". Observers will quickly stop trying to help you if you give the impression that you "know it all".

Some of the best moments I've had at camp have come when I've been able to spend some time off the court with one of the clinicians, talking about non-game situations. One year, a D1 official spent a good 45 minutes talking to a bunch of us about what it's like to arrange travel, juggle multiple conference assignors, and fit in a job all at the same time. It was very casual, but great to listen to. Last year, a D1 assignor sat with just me and talked to me about her officiating career and how hard it was to give that up in order to take the assigning job. If you get that chance, I would highly suggest that you take the time to hang out with the observers off the court.

On the court, work as hard as you can. You'll make mistakes and that's ok. In each game, pick one or two things that you were told in the previous game and work on those. You won't be able to "fix" everything in one game, so just work on one or two things per game. Since you'll have a notebook, you may even want to keep a brief game journal, so that the next day, you can look back at what you might want to work on.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 09:11am
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Be Fundamentally Sound.
Each evaluator is going to be different so try to catch on to what they want early and then apply it.
Don't be tired. I know this sounds weird but some of these camps can be ridiculously tiresome. Keep your energy level up.
Be ready to apply hypotheticals to the rule/case books. A lot of the clinicians I have had discussions with like to do what-if's. Make sure you do your best to cite the actual rule or casebook scenario.
These are all kind of small but everything counts.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 09:13am
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Originally posted by ChrisSportsFan
5. Brush your teeth.
But do it before you're supposed to be on the court! The first year that I went to Nunn-Better, one observer saw a camper brushing his teeth in the hallway with 45 seconds to go before the start of his game. The observer went ballistic. "Why aren't already on the court? Are you more concerned with your breath than working the game? Why didn't you do that ahead of time?" The other campers in the stands had a good laugh about it, but the observer was not amused at all.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 09:32am
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I went to Arkansas this past weekend. I was going to see AAU games and other officials work and continue to add to my tool box of knowledge. Since, I live in Missouri. I found myself in the middle of a camp. Although, I did not pay to attend the camp I found myself getting valuable information some D1 official. I will be attending a camp of my own in June. It will be my first too!!!! I am excited! I keep a journal so I can reflect on things done well and not so well. BE LIKE A SPONGE!!!!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 09:58am
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Originally posted by truerookie
I went to Arkansas this past weekend. I was going to see AAU games and other officials work and continue to add to my tool box of knowledge. Since, I live in Missouri. I found myself in the middle of a camp. Although, I did not pay to attend the camp I found myself getting valuable information some D1 official. I will be attending a camp of my own in June. It will be my first too!!!! I am excited! I keep a journal so I can reflect on things done well and not so well. BE LIKE A SPONGE!!!!!
truerookie, what part of Missouri are you from? Also, what camp are you going to?
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 10:02am
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Originally posted by ChrisSportsFan
Originally posted by truerookie
I went to Arkansas this past weekend. I was going to see AAU games and other officials work and continue to add to my tool box of knowledge. Since, I live in Missouri. I found myself in the middle of a camp. Although, I did not pay to attend the camp I found myself getting valuable information some D1 official. I will be attending a camp of my own in June. It will be my first too!!!! I am excited! I keep a journal so I can reflect on things done well and not so well. BE LIKE A SPONGE!!!!!
truerookie, what part of Missouri are you from? Also, what camp are you going to?
Waynesville. One hours East of Springfield, two West of St. Louis. The camp at Illinois College June 24-26. Why?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 10:05am
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Originally posted by Dave Dow
I'm attending my first referee clinic in July. Are there any do's or don'ts that I should do? What extra should come with me? Thanks

- Hustle all the time.
- Ask questions.
- Be open to all advice/criticism from evaluators.
- Incorporate advice immediately in your game.
- Go to the camp to learn.
- Relax, it's only a game.
- Have fun, it's only a game.


- Argue with evaluators.
- Be a "yeah but" guy: "Yeah but HE told me to do it the other way!" You're probably gonna get conflicting advice, seek out the camp director to resolve these things without mentioning names.

In short, take in everything, try everything, take & use the things that work for you, keep the rest in your back pocket for future reference. Try and work on 1 new thing per game you work.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 10:10am
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I forgot to add this: after the first night when you've heard the instructor and some of the clinicians talk, set yourself a couple of goals, write them down and ask your partners to hold you accountable to them.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 10:19am
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My two cents, for whatever they're worth.

I agree with everything said so far, and want to reinforce the comments on listening. The last thing a clinician wants to hear from you is "Yea, but...". If they tell you something that is different than what your local association tells you, just file it away in your mind, but don't argue back. Also, Chuck's comments about talking to clinicians outside of your court time are good, and they can be very helpful, but be careful. Don't talk to clinicians after your game, for example, while they're supposed to be watching that next game. And don't monopolize their time after hours. It's good to ask questions, but I've seen well-meaning first-timers corner a clinician and talk to him for a long time about various off-the-wall stuff (like what happens if a team is up by 135 points, and there's only one player left because everyone else fouled out.. Be approachable, be friendly, ask appropriate questions, but don't be over-bearing.

The shorts vs. pants question is interesting as well. If this is your first camp, and you're going to learn, wear what is recommended and what everyone else is supposed to wear. If it's an evaluation camp, I've seen it work both ways. In other words, most summer evaluation camps I've been to recommend shorts. But there have been times a few people wear pants, and it has helped them because it makes them "stand out" a little from the crowd and it looks a little sharper than shorts. I have also seen it work against people as well, because I have heard comments such as, "Whay are you wearing pants? Apparently you can't follow instructions - the camp brochure said wear shorts." Some assigners might also be using the shorts to see if a ref has had knee problems in the past (scars, etc.). So use with caution, but err on the safe side by wearing what's recommended.

Above all else - learn and HAVE FUN! Meeting fellow refs is the best part for me.
M&M's - The Official Candy of the Department of Redundancy Department.

(Used with permission.)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 25, 2005, 11:07am
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Don't go there expecting to be praised and told everything you're doing right. You probably won't hear it, and it wouldn't improve your game anyway!
Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
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