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co2ice Sun Feb 11, 2001 09:56am

This is an area not often discussed, but in our local paper thursday there was a small note under "transactions and trades" which named three southwestern confrence womens basketball officials who were suspended for the rest of league play. Does anyone know why? And also what actions by officials would cause there suspension? I know there are obvious things that need to be avoided such as gambling and inappropriate behavior ect. Any thoughts or comments?

BigDave Sun Feb 11, 2001 09:26pm

From the SWAC website...

BIRMINGHAM -- The three game officials who called the controversial women's basketball game between Alabama State University and Alcorn State University on January 22 have all been suspended for the remainder of the 2000-01 season and placed on probation for the 2001-02 season.<br>

According to league commissioner Rudy Washington, referee Gregory Marshall as well as umpires William Wiggins and Jules Galliens made errors in the calls they made after a fight broke out between several players in the waning moments of the game. Washington said the crew also failed to manage the game clock properly. Both errors could have had an affect on the outcome of the game, which Alabama State won by three points (58-55) on its home court at the Joe L. Reed Acadome.<br>

The suspension of the three officials takes effect immediately.

winston robinson Mon Feb 12, 2001 11:28am

web address
Hey Big Dave, What's that web page address?

BigDave Mon Feb 12, 2001 11:55am

Hawks Coach Mon Feb 12, 2001 12:18pm

I can see suspension for serious errors at that level of play, but rest of season for one bad game? Seems a little extreme to me. Just got done reading Feinstein's book on ACC basketball, and he goes over the refereeing problems they had one season. The head of officials apologized at least three times in a two-week period for crucial mistakes, and for the same crew/person more than once. All were end of game mistakes that changed the outcome. I don't think anyone was suspended (and certainly not for season!)

Tim Roden Mon Feb 12, 2001 01:12pm

And you want to know why veteran officials keep saying. Put your day job ahead of officiating. Now these guys won't have any more games this year and no playoff games. They also say it is the ugly game that will make or break you. If you make the call right, then you move up, if not then you move out.

BktBallRef Mon Feb 12, 2001 01:23pm


Originally posted by Hawks Coach
I can see suspension for serious errors at that level of play, but rest of season for one bad game? Seems a little extreme to me. Just got done reading Feinstein's book on ACC basketball, and he goes over the refereeing problems they had one season. The head of officials apologized at least three times in a two-week period for crucial mistakes, and for the same crew/person more than once. All were end of game mistakes that changed the outcome. I don't think anyone was suspended (and certainly not for season!)
Many times, action is taken internally and not made public.

JRutledge Mon Feb 12, 2001 01:25pm


Originally posted by Hawks Coach
I can see suspension for serious errors at that level of play, but rest of season for one bad game? Seems a little extreme to me. Just got done reading Feinstein's book on ACC basketball, and he goes over the refereeing problems they had one season. The head of officials apologized at least three times in a two-week period for crucial mistakes, and for the same crew/person more than once. All were end of game mistakes that changed the outcome. I don't think anyone was suspended (and certainly not for season!)
This is not unusual Hawk. Usually mistakes that happen at the end of games or are preceived to affect the outcome, suspensions for the rest of the season is very customary. College is big business, and mistakes are taken very seriously, which they should be.

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Originally posted by Tim Roden
And you want to know why veteran officials keep saying. Put your day job ahead of officiating. Now these guys won't have any more games this year and no playoff games. They also say it is the ugly game that will make or break you. If you make the call right, then you move up, if not then you move out.

Tim, I would not be sure that these officials do some other conferences. Just because they are suspended in one, does not necessarily mean that it affects them in another. But I do know that Charles Range from the Texas A&M--Texas Tech game last year might be what is customary. I just do not know enough to be sure.

SCBroncos Tue Feb 13, 2001 11:55am

Do school's suspend coaches when they have a bad game coaching? Players? Look what it took to get Bobby Knight booted from IU. Yet a set of officials have what some committee perceived to be a bad game and they are gone for the year and then some?!?!?!

Now, I didn't see the game, and they may well have made some incorrect calls and or judgements, but if officials are suspended each time they do something wrong, then we will constantly be officiating in "somewhat fear" of the axe. The last thing I want to be thinking about as I am about to eject a coach or waive off a basket at the end of a game is - "will I get suspended for this?".

OK, I'm off my soap box now...

Tim Roden Tue Feb 13, 2001 12:15pm

I don't think anyone is suspended for having a bad game. It takes the blatent laying aside of the rules to get that done. I didn't see the game either but I don't believe the handling of the clock alone would have caused a suspension. It was the fight and the handling of it that got the suspensions.

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