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rainmaker Sat May 08, 2004 08:59am

Well, this is the Basketball Doldrums so let's talk about something a little off-topic. But only a little. Let's each one tell

a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

Me first:
This summer, cleaning out some closets.

Right now: fundraising for a non-profit.

Person to chat with: Kevin Kline.

Dan_ref Sat May 08, 2004 09:51am


Originally posted by rainmaker
Well, this is the Basketball Doldrums so let's talk about something a little off-topic. But only a little. Let's each one tell

a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

Me first:
This summer, cleaning out some closets.

Right now: fundraising for a non-profit.

Person to chat with: Kevin Kline.

a.) AAU basketball
b.) garden & yard work
c.) Donald Rumsfeld or Vanna White.

Mark Padgett Sat May 08, 2004 12:04pm

a) try to find my meds
b) not trying to find my meds
c) Dr. Kervorkian

Adam Sat May 08, 2004 02:12pm

a) 3 short Air Guard deployments to three different states.

b) Considering a job transfer to Colorado.

c) Dennis Miller

BktBallRef Sat May 08, 2004 02:13pm

Wow, I'm bored, too.

But I'm not this bored! :D

ref18 Sat May 08, 2004 03:41pm

a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.


b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.


c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

George W. Bush, Don Cherry, or George Carlin

cmckenna Sat May 08, 2004 04:11pm

a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.


b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

Writing this

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.


JRutledge Sat May 08, 2004 04:38pm

Happy Mother's Day Juulie!!
a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

I have to attend the IHSA Officials Conference in July for one of my associations as a representative.

Officiating related but not directly basketball related.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

Baseball and more baseball. I hardly work any basketball at this time of year.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

My mother.


rainmaker Sat May 08, 2004 04:58pm


Originally posted by cmckenna
a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.


b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

Writing this

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.


You might want to re-think item C...

Mark Padgett Sat May 08, 2004 05:06pm


Originally posted by rainmaker

Originally posted by cmckenna

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.


You might want to re-think item C...

Yeah - he probably can't afford me.

mick Sat May 08, 2004 05:24pm

"Blow up the TV, throw away the paper, go to the country, build you a home.

Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, try and find Jesus on your own." - John Prine

Jurassic Referee Sat May 08, 2004 05:33pm


Originally posted by mick
"Blow up the TV, throw away the paper, go to the country, build you a home.

Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, try and find Jesus on your own." - John Prine

What do you if Jesus is in the city watching TV and reading the paper?

mick Sat May 08, 2004 05:40pm


Originally posted by Jurassic Referee

Originally posted by mick
"Blow up the TV, throw away the paper, go to the country, build you a home.

Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, try and find Jesus on your own." - John Prine

What do you if Jesus is in the city watching TV and reading the paper?

Ya do the same thing ya do when the bass ain't bitin'.
Change yer pattern.

...Hunt for walleyes.

rainmaker Sat May 08, 2004 05:42pm


Originally posted by Jurassic Referee

Originally posted by mick
"Blow up the TV, throw away the paper, go to the country, build you a home.

Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, try and find Jesus on your own." - John Prine

What do you if Jesus is in the city watching TV and reading the paper?


TimTaylor Sun May 09, 2004 12:28am

OK, let's see...

a) Scuba diving, incl. spear fishing, crabbing, & if I/m real lucky getting some good up close and personal U/W video of six-gill sharks in Puget Sound

b) editing a music CD of my daughter's HS choir concert

c) toss up between Neil Diamond (actually got to do that once back in 1970) and Charlotte Church

I've got an early am flight to San Antonio - catch you all in a couple days when I get back.

Y'all play nice now, ya hear?

Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. Sun May 09, 2004 01:29pm


Originally posted by rainmaker
Well, this is the Basketball Doldrums so let's talk about something a little off-topic. But only a little. Let's each one tell

a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

Me first:
This summer, cleaning out some closets.

Right now: fundraising for a non-profit.

Person to chat with: Kevin Kline.

While basketball will be take a significant portion of my time, I will also be spending quite a bit of time:

1a) Attending our two sons baseball games.

1b) Playing golf with my better half and our two sons.

1c) Attending Mud Hens games and Cedar Point with my family.

2a) Umpiring boys' H.S. baseball games.

2b) Umpiring girls' H.S. softball games.

2c) Officiating girls' H.S. soccer games.

3) With my apologies to Tuffy Muffler, but this is a toughy: Any one of the following:

politics/history: John Glenn
Tom Harkin
George McGovern

science: Stephen Hawking

sports: Bob Knight
John Wooden
Byron Nelson
Jim McKay
Linda Cohen (a guy can dream can't he)
Bill Russell

press: Walter Conkrite
Andy Rooney
Dan Rather
Tom Brokaw

authors: Tom Brokaw
David McCollough

Mark Dexter Sun May 09, 2004 05:08pm

Ah, yes - even the simple topics don't phase MTD, Sr. :p

Jurassic Referee Sun May 09, 2004 05:26pm


Originally posted by Mark Dexter
Ah, yes - even the simple topics don't phase MTD, Sr.

Gee, would you be referring to the fact that, when asked to name ONE person that he'd like to have dinner with, he named <b>SIXTEEN</b>? :D

Verbosity... for better or for worsery!

Mark Padgett Sun May 09, 2004 07:39pm


Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Gee, would you be referring to the fact that, when asked to name ONE person that he'd like to have dinner with, he named <b>SIXTEEN</b>? :D
Why didn't he just post a link to the phone book?

dblref Sun May 09, 2004 07:40pm

A. Not involving basletball = spending 2 weeks with my son in Olympia, WA.

B. Involved in now = putting things away in our new house so I will have time to do "A" above.

C. My mother

Stat-Man Sun May 09, 2004 08:24pm


Originally posted by rainmaker
Well, this is the Basketball Doldrums so let's talk about something a little off-topic. But only a little. Let's each one tell

a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.


A - I want to continue getting rid of old crap that I don't need any more. It's amazing how much stuff one collects over time.

B - HS Softball. Just finished a weekend tournament earlier today.

C - Hmm. I wouldn't mind dining with Isiah Thomas. When he played for the pistons, he did a lot for Kids, and I think that's why I looked up to him as a positive sports model. (Oddly enough, I actually had the chance to have a verbal disagreement with him once at a tournament -- over the initial setting of the possession arrow)

Dan_ref Sun May 09, 2004 09:17pm


Originally posted by Mark Dexter

Ah, yes - even the simple topics don't phase MTD, Sr.

Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Gee, would you be referring to the fact that, when asked to name ONE person that he'd like to have dinner with, he named <b>SIXTEEN</b>? :D

Originally posted by Mark Padgett

Why didn't he just post a link to the phone book?
C'mon, give the guy a break...he was able to limit his list to people not known for their work from the fields of philosophy or economics or any of the Friends.

BTW, can you imagine Stephen Hawking trying to get a word in edgewise in a conversation with MTD?

davidw Sun May 09, 2004 09:55pm

A) Garden. Reap the bounty from my raspberry plants, fruit trees and vegetable garden. Can't wait.

B) Attending my son and daughter's track meets.

C) I think Charlie Rose.

Just off-hand I would have to list these.

Hawks Coach Sun May 09, 2004 11:07pm

1) I do my non-basketball when you are doing ball, so I am doing basketball now thru mid summer.

2) See above - this is really busy season for me, although I am finding time to golf.

3) The parents of a 6'5" 14U girl who can catch and shoot, and who doesn't have a current AAU affiliation.

rainmaker Mon May 10, 2004 12:32am


Originally posted by Hawks Coach
3) The parents of a 6'5" 14U girl who can catch and shoot, and who doesn't have a current AAU affiliation.

footlocker Mon May 10, 2004 12:53am

1. visit family.

2. coach soccer.

3. a newly-divorced jessica simpson.

TPS2859 Mon May 10, 2004 08:51am

1) Golf
2) Focus on my REAL job
3) The Coors Twins

brianp134 Mon May 10, 2004 09:36am

A. Golf (try and lower my handicap to about an 8)

B. work on my back yard

c. Tiger Woods

ChuckElias Mon May 10, 2004 11:59am


Originally posted by rainmaker
a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

a) Find a new job.
b) Cruising the Carribean. (Key West yesterday, Grand Cayman tomorrow! :D )
c) Bin Laden (assuming there was a steak knife at my place setting).

Dan_ref Mon May 10, 2004 12:18pm


Originally posted by ChuckElias

Originally posted by rainmaker
a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

a) Find a new job.
b) Cruising the Carribean. (Key West yesterday, Grand Cayman tomorrow! :D )

Interviewing for that open "Director of Ship's Recreation and Entertainment" spot I see... ;)

Jurassic Referee Mon May 10, 2004 12:23pm


Originally posted by Dan_ref

Originally posted by ChuckElias
a) Find a new job.
b) Cruising the Carribean. (Key West yesterday, Grand Cayman tomorrow! )
Interviewing for that open "Director of Ship's Recreation and Entertainment" spot I see...

[/B][/QUOTE]Sounds like the same type of recreational and entertainment job that he has now. Just doesn't have to say <i>"De plane, Boss, de plane"</i> anymore.

Camron Rust Mon May 10, 2004 01:11pm


Originally posted by ChuckElias

Originally posted by rainmaker
a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

b) Cruising the Carribean. (Key West yesterday, Grand Cayman tomorrow! :D )

You're on a cruise and you're checking this board!?! I can certainly find enough to do on the cruise to not check this board for a week!

a) Coaching both my daughters' soccer teams
b) Developing my website (<A HREF=></A>)
c) anyone but Padgett ;)

rainmaker Mon May 10, 2004 01:21pm


Originally posted by ChuckElias
a) Find a new job.
b) Cruising the Carribean. (Key West yesterday, Grand Cayman tomorrow! )
GM still hanging in there?

rockyroad Mon May 10, 2004 01:27pm

Ok...I'll give it a shot...1)10 days fishing in Alaska with my 12-year-old-son! 2)Trying to teach 7th graders the importance of Martin Luther and the Reformation (ugh, and you all think coaches are thick-headed)...3)hmmm - I would live to eat with A-Rod and slip a little somethin-somethin in his drink, just like I did with Griffey, Jr. after he left the Mariners...

Hawks Coach Mon May 10, 2004 01:32pm

Don't even put coaches (BBallCoach aside) in the same category of thickheadedness as the 12-18 y.o. set. That's just wrong! There is nothing that compares to that age group. Thick as a Brick indeed (really don't mind if I sit this one out).

Dan_ref Mon May 10, 2004 01:39pm


Originally posted by Hawks Coach

Thick as a Brick indeed (really don't mind if I sit this one out).

Why you're just an old hippy, aint ya? ;)

Hawks Coach Mon May 10, 2004 02:42pm

Look at my (lack of) hair now and you'd never know it ;)

TPS2859 Mon May 10, 2004 03:07pm

Been to the Grand Cayman....

and its VERY expensive !

if you do go, do stingray city. Best vacation time ever.

O' and if the Coors twins cant make lunch, how about Sean Connery. (yesh the one with the cool voice and of course was 007).

Hawks Coach Mon May 10, 2004 03:23pm

Somehow I don't think a male sex symbol is a viable replacement for a couple of female sexpots, but that's just my guess. If I am looking for the twins, I don't want Sean Connery as a substitute.

TPS2859 Mon May 10, 2004 03:37pm


I do agree. IF the twins cant show up and Sean could,I could learn how to talk in that cool shexy like voice that the ladies love, well then...its all good!

Mark Padgett Mon May 10, 2004 04:15pm


Originally posted by Camron Rust
[]c) anyone but Padgett ;)
Camron - I wouldn't mind having dinner with you under the following two conditions:

1) You're buying
2) We don't eat at the snack bar at The Hoop in Beaverton

Camron Rust Mon May 10, 2004 05:13pm


Originally posted by TPS2859
Been to the Grand Cayman....

and its VERY expensive !

if you do go, do stingray city. Best vacation time ever.

Be aware that there are two stingray city's. One is about 12' deep; the other, 3-4'. The former is frequented mostly by Scuba operators and the latter by snorkelers (cruise ship tours). The former is uncrowded (couple dozen people) and a blast...particularly if you scuba. The latter is CROWDED with up to hundreds of people competing for the stingrays...even saw and played with a Green Moray eel.

Of course the best activities on Grand Cayman are found in deeper waters. ;) We were there last summer for 7 days of diving...4 out of East End (the name of the community...on the southeast corner of the island) ad 3 out of Georgetown (actually launched out of the north sound for north wall dives). Dove with 4 different dive operations: Cayman Dive Lodge, Divers Down, Red Baron, and Red Sail Sports. Best by far was the Cayman Dive Lodge. Worst, RedSail service, lazy, not very friendly. Best on the west end was Divers Down. Red Baron was nice but boats were very small....crowded with 8.

I've got some of my photos at <A HREF=>Camron's Grand Cayman Photos</A>. The last 10-15 of them are Stingray City.

[Edited by Camron Rust on May 10th, 2004 at 08:12 PM]

ChuckElias Tue May 11, 2004 06:00am


Originally posted by Camron Rust
You're on a cruise and you're checking this board!?! I can certainly find enough to do on the cruise to not check this board for a week!
I'm rooming with my dad, who snores at about the decible level of a jet engine. So sleep is scarce. Since I'm up and out of the cabin before anything is happening on the ship, I can check in here.

I really wanted to do the stingray thing, but the whole family is going, and the oldest ones and youngest ones weren't excited about it. So maybe next time. I'll have to get SCUBA certified first, I guess. Pictures were great Camron.

No job openings on the ship. Ah, I see Grand Cayman off the port now! :)

Camron Rust Tue May 11, 2004 10:59am


Originally posted by ChuckElias

I really wanted to do the stingray thing, but the whole family is going, and the oldest ones and youngest ones weren't excited about it. So maybe next time. I'll have to get SCUBA certified first, I guess. Pictures were great Camron.

Take one of the "Discover Scuba" courses. They teach you on the spot and take you on a guided dive. It's a great intro to diving. It's usually well done (safe, etc.). Most islands have one. By the time you get this though, you'll probably be past Cayman. If you're heading to Cozumel next, they have them...that's where my wife and I took the discover scuba course.

dblref Tue May 11, 2004 11:01am

You're rooming with your Dad? Does he think you are not old enough (or tall enough) to travel by yourself?:D

I hope you and your Dad spend some quality time together. I never had that chance. I was 7 when my dad walked out and I never saw him again. My 2 sons think they see me way too much!

TPS2859 Tue May 11, 2004 12:04pm


Nice pics!

Was there the first week of July last year.

Did both, and enjoyed both just as well. The shallow city gave us more chances to hold and play with the stingrays. Did you do the turtle farm?

Camron Rust Tue May 11, 2004 04:04pm


Originally posted by TPS2859

Nice pics!

Was there the first week of July last year.

We were there at the same time (Jun 25-Jul 3)...we were there when tropical stom Bill started. We were diving from East End with <A HREF=>Cayman Dive Lodge </A> the morning of the biggest storms. We were on a 45' boat in 8-10' seas. They canceled the afternoon dives. What a ride!

Originally posted by TPS2859

Did both, and enjoyed both just as well. The shallow city gave us more chances to hold and play with the stingrays.

The deeper one would be much better diving since the rays would be on the bottom with the divers.

Originally posted by TPS2859
Did you do the turtle farm?

Did that on a previous trip...before I started diving. This one was exclusively for diving. Once you've been in the open water with a few turtles, it doesn't mean much to see them in a tank.

Hawks Coach Tue May 11, 2004 04:15pm

My last trip to Puerto Rico with the Navy, I went to an out of the way island named Culebra. It has no fresh water source and horseshoe bays all around the island - result is perfectly clear water. the best I have seen anywhere. I have never taken the scuba training, so I settle for snorkling, but the views there are tremendous, minimal people (it isn't a tourist attraction), and they have 4 (I believe) species of turtles, 2 (again my memory only!) that actually breed there. BEEEautiful. The first one I saw I followed for a good 200 yards - nothing better, IMO.

Guess I have to take dive lessons sometime - maybe when I get tired of golf!

TimTaylor Tue May 11, 2004 06:17pm


Originally posted by TPS2859

Nice pics!

Was there the first week of July last year.

Did both, and enjoyed both just as well. The shallow city gave us more chances to hold and play with the stingrays. Did you do the turtle farm?

Yes they are nice pics Camron! You ever do any diving in the cold, dark waters of the Pacific NW?

We did a 8 day W. Carib cruise a couple years back. Got in 5 dives in Coz, 3 in GC & a couple in Jamaica. We didn't make Stingray city though my wife & daughter did the shallow one. My son & I wound up doing a couple wall/reef dives, & then burned a tank on a nice shallow dive at Devil's Grotto - all done through Sunset House - good op!

My WSSL sched from Tracy was waiting when I got back from Texas last night - heard anything yet on your league yet Juulie?

rainmaker Tue May 11, 2004 09:30pm


Originally posted by TimTaylor
My WSSL sched from Tracy was waiting when I got back from Texas last night - heard anything yet on your league yet Juulie?
I'm hoping I will get an explanatory e-mail out tonight. THe good news is there should be plenty of games available. The bad news is it's not me that's assigning. Check your e-mail in the morning.

Tim Roden Wed May 12, 2004 04:59am


Originally posted by rainmaker
Well, this is the Basketball Doldrums so let's talk about something a little off-topic. But only a little. Let's each one tell

a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.

b) one thing you're involved in right now that doesn't involve basketball.

c) which living person you'd most like to sit next to and chat with at a dinner party.

Obviously I have not kept up with this board. I been doing too much.
1) Exploring some business ventures.
2) writing some software. Working nights.
3) I enjoy sitting and chatting with anyone who has done something.

ChuckElias Wed May 12, 2004 05:57am


Originally posted by dblref
You're rooming with your Dad? Does he think you are not old enough (or tall enough) to travel by yourself?:D
No, no. But b/c this is a Mother's Day cruise, my wife's mother joined us. So she's rooming with my wife and daughter, and I'm sharing a room with my dad. Not ideal, but it's worth it to have her along. My sister and her family are also here.

I'll have to check out the scuba training. I saw a full certification course on Grand Cayman, but that took 4 days. I don't think that can be what you're talking about, can it Camron?

ChuckElias Wed May 12, 2004 05:58am


Originally posted by rainmaker
a) one thing you'll do this summer that doesn't involve basketball.
Forgot to mention that this year's baseball trip with my buddy will be to Yankee Stadium and Philly's new park!

TPS2859 Wed May 12, 2004 07:48am


Went to just dive also, but the storm took care of all but one dive for us!

To me its hard to beat Cozemel plus much cheaper.

Camron Rust Wed May 12, 2004 12:26pm


Originally posted by ChuckElias

I'll have to check out the scuba training. I saw a full certification course on Grand Cayman, but that took 4 days. I don't think that can be what you're talking about, can it Camron?

No. The 4 day course is probably a full scuba certification. There is also a course called "Discover Scuba" or a "Resort Course". These last just part of one day. We did it on a 1-day cruise stop in Cozumel a few years ago. Nearly all resort islands with diving offer it. We booked it through the cruise's activities although you can certainly find more operations on any island that offer it.

Camron Rust Wed May 12, 2004 12:29pm


Originally posted by TimTaylor
You ever do any diving in the cold, dark waters of the Pacific NW?
Yes. When I get a chance. Last chance was mid-October in the Hood Canal at Sund Rock.

dblref Thu May 13, 2004 05:10am


Originally posted by Camron Rust

Originally posted by TimTaylor
You ever do any diving in the cold, dark waters of the Pacific NW?
Yes. When I get a chance. Last chance was mid-October in the Hood Canal at Sund Rock.

My son did this last year (he lives in Olymoia) and he said it was some cold-a** water.

Stan Thu May 13, 2004 03:26pm


Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
politics/history: Tom Harkin

If you talk to Harkin, just keep him wouldya. He's not doing Iowa any good.

TimTaylor Thu May 13, 2004 03:36pm


Originally posted by dblref

My son did this last year (he lives in Olymoia) and he said it was some cold-a** water.
Yeah, it can be....

When I did my AOW several years ago in Hood Canal in mid-august it was 38F at 148FSW. The last time I was at Edmonds UW park it was 45F at around 35FSW, and about a month ago at Three Graces (barview jetty near Tillamook) it was 47F at 53FSW.

In mid-late summer the surface temps typically get into the low-mid 60's, but drop pretty quickly as you descend. Unlike tropical waters, it's not uncommon to pass through several thermoclines as you descend.

This is definitely dry suit country!

Along with the cold water comes lots of food & cool big critters - giant octopus, wolf-fish, lingcod, etc. Late last summer I even got to spend several minutes up close & personal with a 12-13ft six gill shark - hoping to get some video of them this summer if I'm real lucky!

dhodges007 Thu May 13, 2004 03:59pm


Originally posted by TimTaylor

Originally posted by dblref

My son did this last year (he lives in Olymoia) and he said it was some cold-a** water.
Yeah, it can be....

When I did my AOW several years ago in Hood Canal in mid-august it was 38F at 148FSW. The last time I was at Edmonds UW park it was 45F at around 35FSW, and about a month ago at Three Graces (barview jetty near Tillamook) it was 47F at 53FSW.

In mid-late summer the surface temps typically get into the low-mid 60's, but drop pretty quickly as you descend. Unlike tropical waters, it's not uncommon to pass through several thermoclines as you descend.

This is definitely dry suit country!

Along with the cold water comes lots of food & cool big critters - giant octopus, wolf-fish, lingcod, etc. Late last summer I even got to spend several minutes up close & personal with a 12-13ft six gill shark - hoping to get some video of them this summer if I'm real lucky!

Awesome... I'd love to see that :)

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