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babyref Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:43pm

I ref rec Teams at the younger levels this year the rules commities put in a new rule that all players must be subed in every 4 min til the last 6 min of each 23 min half are there any other similar rules out there

BktBallRef Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:07pm

We play standard 8 minute quarters, running clock except for the last two of each half.

Each player is required to play at least 4 minutes of each quarter.

We stop the game at the 4 minute mark and sub players.

Snake~eyes Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:16pm

We have similar participation rules. Referees do not get involved with participation rule, we don' tneed to know it or enforce it. If a coach has a problem with another coaches participation he must protest via the comissioner.

rainmaker Thu Mar 04, 2004 02:28am

One rec league I work in has a similar rule. Ssub at a natural break near the 4 minute mark, or stop at about 3:50 and get the subs in. Refs don't pay much attention. Parents and coaches do!

zebra44 Thu Mar 04, 2004 04:36am

Jr. High in our county divide teams up into 3 "units" according to ability. The first half consists of 3 four minute "quarters" in which each unit plays the four minutes. Teams cannot play defense until the offensive team crosses midcourt. The second half consists of 2 six minute "quarters" and full court defense is allowed. Members are not required to play in second half.

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