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justacoach Tue Dec 02, 2003 08:43am

Had a game this w/e in older gym with fan shaped backboards. Cannot remember what the differences are when ball goes over or hits side/top compared to rectangular backboards. Please refresh me with rules cite.


Mark Dexter Tue Dec 02, 2003 09:10am

The ball is only OOB if it hits the back face of the backboard. There is no violation for the ball going over a fan-shaped board.

ChuckElias Tue Dec 02, 2003 09:10am

Coach, there's no difference in the rules about when the ball hits the sides of the backboard. All the sides are in play for both fan-shaped and rectangular backboards. The back is OOB on both types as well. So there's no difference in rulings when the ball touches the backboard.

The difference is that it's a violation for the ball to go over a rectangular backboard but it's not a violation for the ball to go over a fan-shaped backboard. (7-1 Note)

justacoach Tue Dec 02, 2003 09:21am

Thx, Mark and Chuck

Just what I was looking for. We had an inbounds play under our basket and an inexperienced oficial administered the inbounds spot under the basket, We have a very tall player and a play that calls for a lob pass high, into the center of the paint. Our player inbounding did as instructed but , because of a faulty spot, ended up launching a moon shot over the fan. Official called a phantom violation and gave ball to other team. I calmly discussed this with him after the game and promised I would email him with the specifics. I will also invite him to join us on this board. I know this is a rather obscure play but it may be the impetus for this energetic rookie of an official to make some real progress in his game. And, yes, he did accept my rebuke for spotting the ball under da basket.

[Edited by justacoach on Dec 2nd, 2003 at 08:34 AM]

Adam Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:52am

I appreciate the way you handled this. It shows restraint and humility, and a willingness to teach rather than belittle.
Adam Wells

justacoach Tue Dec 02, 2003 11:58am

Just another lesson in coaching comportment learned from the good folks on this board.
Might have been a different story if we weren't up by 20+ points ....
Some habits just die hard...

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