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billyu2 Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:14am

Personal stare down experience
Coach had a been a pain the entire second half. Late in the game one of his players fouled out. Instead of sending the sub to the table, he had the sub stand next to him while he stared me down. I stood patiently looking back at him waiting for the player to report. Finally, seconds before the horn he told the sub, "go ahead" and the sub ran right out on the floor. I turned to the table and innocently asked, "Did he ever report in?" Of course the answer was "no." Whack. Technical on the coach for not replacing a player as required. Should have seen his jaw drop. Priceless!

BillyMac Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:53am

Waited A Little Too Long ...

Originally Posted by billyu2 (Post 1046477)
Coach had a been a pain the entire second half. Late in the game one of his players fouled out. Instead of sending the sub to the table, he had the sub stand next to him while he stared me down. I stood patiently looking back at him waiting for the player to report.

Similar story. But the coach waited a little too long and and my partner, a grizzled "old school" veteran, whacked him the split second the second horn sounded with no substitute reporting. The coach picked the wrong grizzled "old school" veteran to play "chicken" with that night.

Camron Rust Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:28am


Originally Posted by billyu2 (Post 1046477)
Coach had a been a pain the entire second half. Late in the game one of his players fouled out. Instead of sending the sub to the table, he had the sub stand next to him while he stared me down. I stood patiently looking back at him waiting for the player to report. Finally, seconds before the horn he told the sub, "go ahead" and the sub ran right out on the floor. I turned to the table and innocently asked, "Did he ever report in?" Of course the answer was "no." Whack. Technical on the coach for not replacing a player as required. Should have seen his jaw drop. Priceless!

For that matter, you could have tagged the player for running onto the court without reporting AND the coach for failing to provide a sub before the replacement interval expired....that would have really stung.

BillyMac Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:11pm

Double Barrel Action ...

Originally Posted by Camron Rust (Post 1046481)
For that matter, you could have tagged the player for running onto the court without reporting AND the coach for failing to provide a sub before the replacement interval expired....that would have really stung.

Ouch. In Kill Bill, remember Beatrix (Uma Thurman) getting shot in the chest with rock salt by Budd (Michael Madsen)? Now double that. Ouch.

Ignats75 Tue Jan 18, 2022 02:17pm


Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. (Post 1046475)

I agree with you. There are many times we would just love to whack a Coach on general principles but staring at you is just not one of those things that would be looked upon favorably by the powers that be.

MTD, Sr.

Honestly, the verbal accusation of of a lack of integrity is the biggest violation. But, the first one of those would probably result in a quiet unofficial warning. But being out of the coaching box? good excuse for a T. Nice of him to give that to you.

billyu2 Tue Jan 18, 2022 07:14pm


Originally Posted by Camron Rust (Post 1046481)
For that matter, you could have tagged the player for running onto the court without reporting AND the coach for failing to provide a sub before the replacement interval expired....that would have really stung.

Now that would have been nasty, Cameron. I like it! I know I was a veteran official at the time but apparently hadn't yet reached the category of "old school grizzled veteran" mentioned in a previous post. :)

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