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BillyMac Wed Jan 05, 2022 09:32am

Another Referee Assault ...
And some wonder why it's difficult to recruit new basketball officials.

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Of course, if the officials had enforced the undershirt rule color restrictions, this assault would have never occurred.

crosscountry55 Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:11am

Not excusing what the adult did, but perhaps the L should have A) stayed away, or at least B) gotten between the players instead of plowing into the initial offender as though he were jumping on a live grenade in order to save the masses. That didn’t help matters.

The adult was clearly upset that his kid got tackled. Sadly, he didn’t even assault the right official.

News reports say the dad has a history of having a temper. No surprise that rubbed off on his shoulder-checking kid. And the dad is blaming the officials for what happened? Maybe he ought to look in the mirror.

BillyMac Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:50am

Head Of Steam ...

Originally Posted by crosscountry55 (Post 1046329)
... gotten between the players instead of plowing into the initial offender as though he were jumping on a live grenade in order to save the masses ...

Not sure that his intent was to knock the kid over, but it's still a "bad look". Possibly had a head of steam such that he couldn't stop in time.

I know that we're supposed to stand back and take numbers, but sometimes we just react to break up the fight to protect kids. It's just adult human nature. Probably instinctual.

Rich Wed Jan 05, 2022 02:43pm


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 1046331)
Not sure that his intent was to knock the kid over, but it's still a "bad look". Possibly had a head of steam such that he couldn't stop in time.

I know that we're supposed to stand back and take numbers, but sometimes we just react to break up the fight to protect kids. It's just adult human nature. Probably instinctual.

I will never just stand back and take numbers.

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BillyMac Wed Jan 05, 2022 03:03pm

Instinct ...

Originally Posted by Rich (Post 1046332)
I will never just stand back and take numbers.

Don't know if it's the human in me, the father in me, the teacher in me, or the coach in me, but me too.

At the minimum I'm trying to stand between the fighters, even if they make slight contact with me (not me with them), and sounding my whistle as loud as I can.

I will try not to to hold any players. We had an official do that many years ago, allowing an opponent got a "free shot" and "cold cocking" the held player, breaking the held player's jaw. Official ended up getting sued by parents of held broken jaw player. Also had to deal with a criminal assault charge. Very messy, in the criminal court and civil court for a couple of years. Lots of billable hours.

As a teacher we were told that it we didn't do anything to (reasonably) physically break up a fight between students that we could be sued for negligence if a student got severely hurt due to our inaction (something about the legal term in loco parentis).

Of course it we did physically intercede, and if a student got severely hurt as a result of our actions we could also get sued for our actions.

Damned if we do, damned if we don't.

crosscountry55 Wed Jan 05, 2022 04:07pm


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 1046331)
Not sure that his intent was to knock the kid over, but it's still a "bad look". Possibly had a head of steam such that he couldn't stop in time.

You might be right. It’s possible he underestimated how p=mv.

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Raymond Wed Jan 05, 2022 04:29pm

Where I officiate, I'm not doing more than stepping between players before punches are thrown. Once thrown, I'm out. If you are in the middle of the melee you are subjecting yourself to getting jumped by either a player, coach, or fan.

JRutledge Wed Jan 05, 2022 04:34pm

This is why you let them fight. And it is a middle school game? Clear the benches, I will go home. Not stopping players from doing anything in this case. I might not get between them in this case.


JRutledge Wed Jan 05, 2022 04:54pm


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 1046332)
I will never just stand back and take numbers.

Unless I am getting paid with a "comma" in the check, I am not ever stopping players once they go at it. That is what my presence and whistle is for. If that does not work, let them have at it. Not subjecting myself to what happened here.


Rich Wed Jan 05, 2022 04:55pm


Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 1046341)
Unless I am getting paid with a "comma" in the check, I am not ever stopping players once they go at it. That is what my presence and whistle is for. If that does not work, let them have at it. Not subjecting myself to what happened here.


My point is I will try to stop things before they start, but eventually we all need to protect ourselves.

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JRutledge Wed Jan 05, 2022 05:01pm


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 1046343)
My point is I will try to stop things before they start, but eventually we all need to protect ourselves.

I did not say I would not try to stop it. But I am not touching any players and not doing a thing after they throw blows. Get rid of the problem and move on.


BillyMac Wed Jan 05, 2022 05:33pm

She Blinded Me With Science (Thomas Dolby, 1982) …

Originally Posted by crosscountry55 (Post 1046334)


BillyMac Wed Jan 05, 2022 05:36pm

Protect Yourself At All Times ...

Originally Posted by Rich (Post 1046343)
... we all need to protect ourselves.

Physically, criminally, and civilly.

Kelvin green Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:05am

I hope the official files a civil lawsuit against this guy and seeks substantial damages….. including punitive.

Matt Thu Jan 06, 2022 03:45am


Originally Posted by Kelvin green (Post 1046349)
I hope the official files a civil lawsuit against this guy and seeks substantial damages….. including punitive.

That would be pointless. Compensatory damages, if any, would be minimal (and likely considered under the criminal penalties,) and this conduct is not egregious enough to warrant punitive damages.

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