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maroonx Fri Apr 21, 2017 06:52pm

NBA and traveling
I could not believe my eyes watching Memphis vs Spurs last night. I saw NBA officials actuallly adjudicate 3 or more travel rulings and and a double dribble.

Just saw a travel in the Boston vs Bulls game today. I am all in the NBA playoffs this year.

SC Official Fri Apr 21, 2017 09:41pm

I'll never understand why so many officials get worked up about an entertainment league having its own standards and interpretations by which it rules the legality of certain actions.

Makes no sense me.

RefRich Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:02am


Originally Posted by SC Official (Post 1004971)
I'll never understand why so many officials get worked up about an entertainment league having its own standards and interpretations by which it rules the legality of certain actions.

Makes no sense me.

Because this is what the kids see and try to emulate. Kids are looking at the NBA players as role models and when this stuff is allowed at the "entertainment" level, it affects the lower levels of the game.

JRutledge Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:20pm


Originally Posted by maroonx (Post 1004967)
I could not believe my eyes watching Memphis vs Spurs last night. I saw NBA officials actuallly adjudicate 3 or more travel rulings and and a double dribble.

Just saw a travel in the Boston vs Bulls game today. I am all in the NBA playoffs this year.

You probably do not watch much NBA. I see travels called all the time when I decide to watch the game. Seem them called against even top players.


Originally Posted by RefRich (Post 1004981)
Because this is what the kids see and try to emulate. Kids are looking at the NBA players as role models and when this stuff is allowed at the "entertainment" level, it affects the lower levels of the game.

Who cares what they try to do? The NFL has totally different rules than high school too. No one seems to go around worrying about what the NFL allows in relationship to kids or being role models. If they do, then get flagged and they learn quick. I do not care what anyone does on TV, because they are not at that level and I certainly am not there as well.


RefRich Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:29pm


Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 1004982)
You probably do not watch much NBA. I see travels called all the time when I decide to watch the game. Seem them called against even top players.

Who cares what they try to do? The NFL has totally different rules than high school too. No one seems to go around worrying about what the NFL allows in relationship to kids or being role models. If they do, then get flagged and they learn quick. I do not care what anyone does on TV, because they are not at that level and I certainly am not there as well.


Football is much different than basketball. To be fair, I don't watch much football so I don't know the differences. However, since I do referee basketball I see exactly how kids, in elementary school and high school, try to do what NBA players are doing. You also hear many times how, "well that's what Lebron does." There are differences in rules from the pros to high school in most sports I would think but those don't correlate the way basketball does.

What is allowed in the NFL that elementary and high school kids would try and copy?

Mark Padgett Sat Apr 22, 2017 02:50pm


Originally Posted by RefRich (Post 1004983)
What is allowed in the NFL that elementary and high school kids would try and copy?

Taking performance enhancement drugs. ;)

JRutledge Sat Apr 22, 2017 02:57pm


Originally Posted by RefRich (Post 1004983)
Football is much different than basketball. To be fair, I don't watch much football so I don't know the differences. However, since I do referee basketball I see exactly how kids, in elementary school and high school, try to do what NBA players are doing. You also hear many times how, "well that's what Lebron does." There are differences in rules from the pros to high school in most sports I would think but those don't correlate the way basketball does.

Football has many more rules differences. And people complain all the time based off what they see on both the NFL and NCAA level when it does not apply to the NF. Just the entire targeting rules are often complained about to the level where when they are called they want us to enforce the college rule (which requires ejection when they take place). And I work both football and basketball and I do not go around worrying about what kids see in either. Heck most of the time officials cannot call a travel correctly when certain moves are done, like the Euro Step or even a Jump Stop.

And I live in an area where many NBA players are from and I never hear anyone reference what a specific player does. Now they might use NBA terminology that actually uses the terms "steps" in their traveling rules. But our level they do not. And often I think what you are referencing is not necessarily what they are trying to emulate, but what they think they see. There is a difference to me. And I still do not care what they see. When they start making those kinds of checks, they can worry about what those rules are. Now, they are in high school or college. And if they see me in a college game, they really are not good enough for the NBA if they cannot get on a D1 roster. ;)


Originally Posted by RefRich (Post 1004983)
What is allowed in the NFL that elementary and high school kids would try and copy?

Where do you want me to start? They think they can use their hands the same way in the passing game like receivers pushing off. They think they can low block when they cannot. They think they can throw the ball away when they get outside the pocket (never been a NF rule). And most of all they think that what a player does when they are frustrated with a call is acceptable.

And once again, I give a rats ass what they see, they are not at that level and will get called for it when I am working a game. I let them in no uncertain terms that they are not pros. Do not approach me like you are a pro. Those officials are getting paid to tolerate more stuff and can say things back to players. That does not apply at the NF and even the NCAA level.


BryanV21 Sat Apr 22, 2017 04:44pm

Let me get this straight... the problem is a kid, when called for traveling, may say "but Lebron did that last night and he didn't get called for travelling."

The answer is simple... "because you're not Lebron, nor is this the NBA."

Why is that so hard? Besides, you're talking about this happening to a kid. Like his basketball game, or to be more particular that traveling call, is going to change the course of his life.

SNIPERBBB Sat Apr 22, 2017 05:16pm

Its really comical when you get a coach after you call a travel and thr coach says, "He gets two steps", and you reply, "He took 4 and this isnt the NBA. " Oh."

SC Official Sat Apr 22, 2017 09:30pm

I couldn't care less if the high school players I officiate try to emulate NBA moves that are illegal under NFHS rules. When I blow the whistle, they'll stop.

I don't care what they see on TV, or what they or the coaches think the rule is. I have the actual rule to back me, and I'm not scared to apply and explain it.

BillyMac Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:32am

"I Could Care Less" ...

Originally Posted by SC Official (Post 1004996)
I couldn't care less if ...

Very nice SC Official. Correct use of this phrase on the Forum. My tenth grade English teacher, Mr. Baumgartner, would be very pleased.

JeffM Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:11pm

NBA rules are different
NBA rules are significantly different from NFHS rules. People can accept that the length of the quarters are different, the distance to the three point arc is different etc., but have a much harder time accepting that the rules regarding traveling are different.
I like the "Away-From-The-Play-Foul" rule. - NBA’s Misunderstood Rules

Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. Mon Apr 24, 2017 04:47am


Originally Posted by JeffM (Post 1005026)
NBA rules are significantly different from NFHS rules. People can accept that the length of the quarters are different, the distance to the three point arc is different etc., but have a much harder time accepting that the rules regarding traveling are different.
I like the "Away-From-The-Play-Foul" rule. - NBA’s Misunderstood Rules

If you actually compare the NBA/WNBA Traveling Rule with the NFHS/NCAA Men's-Women's/FIBA Traveling Rule you will find that while the wording is somewhat different in parts, the rule is the same except for the being the first to touch the ball after attempting a FG that fails to touch the rim, the backboard, or another player, and the FIBA rule with regard to falling to the floor while holding the ball or getting up from being on the floor while holding the ball is different from the other codes.

MTD, Sr.

BillyMac Mon Apr 24, 2017 06:15am

My List Is Longer Than Your List ...

Originally Posted by JeffM (Post 1005026)

Hey? Copyright issues? My people will be contacting their people first thing tomorrow. First, I've got to get some people.

BryanV21 Mon Apr 24, 2017 07:46am


Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. (Post 1005029)
If you actually compare the NBA/WNBA Traveling Rule with the NFHS/NCAA Men's-Women's/FIBA Traveling Rule you will find that while the wording is somewhat different in parts, the rule is the same except for the being the first to touch the ball after attempting a FG that fails to touch the rim, the backboard, or another player, and the FIBA rule with regard to falling to the floor while holding the ball or getting up from being on the floor while holding the ball is different from the other codes.

MTD, Sr.

I thought that the "two count rhythm" thing meant a player in the NBA was not only allowed to lift his pivot foot (after the first "count" or step), but place it back on the floor (which would be the second "count" or step). Not that I have to tell you, but just for the sake of completing the thought, high school players can not lift the pivot foot and place it back on the floor before releasing the ball.

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