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Robert E. Harrison Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:03am

Coach runs onto field during live ball
Fed game. 0-0 game in the top of 11th. F1 properly steps off and fakes to 2B. I have nothing as well as my partner. Third base coach runs (in my partner's direction in C crossing the foul line) onto field yelling "That's a Balk!".

Do I warn him, confine him or toss him or just chastise him?

He did apolgize and said that his batter had missed several signs.

Matt Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:13am


Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison (Post 932480)
Fed game. 0-0 game in the top of 11th. F1 properly steps off and fakes to 2B. I have nothing as well as my partner. Third base coach runs (in my partner's direction in C crossing the foul line) onto field yelling "That's a Balk!".

Do I warn him, confine him or toss him or just chastise him?

He did apolgize and said that his batter had missed several signs.

Dump him.

WTF does his batter's incompetence have to do with his inappropriate behavior, anyway?

rbmartin Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:40am


Originally Posted by matt (Post 932481)
dump him.


Ump29 Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:08pm

Totally agree. Dump him.

Tim C Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:09pm


"F1 properly steps off and fakes to 2B."
F1 does not need to "step off" to fake to second.

Coach should be ejected for two doses of stupidity.

MD Longhorn Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:21pm


Originally Posted by Tim C (Post 932489)
F1 does not need to "step off" to fake to second.

Coach should be ejected for two doses of stupidity.

Unless, perhaps, there was no runner on 2nd... ???

MD Longhorn Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:21pm

Oh ... and yes - dump that coach.

Robert E. Harrison Wed Apr 23, 2014 01:21pm

I don't care.

Originally Posted by MD Longhorn (Post 932497)
Unless, perhaps, there was no runner on 2nd... ???

He stepped off, why would I do anything to the pitcher after that?

MD Longhorn Wed Apr 23, 2014 03:22pm


Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison (Post 932503)
He stepped off, why would I do anything to the pitcher after that?

I quoted Tim, who said, "F1 does not need to "step off" to fake to second," and my response was to that statement.

CT1 Thu Apr 24, 2014 08:00am

See ya. Don't forget your parting gifts on the way out.

Tim C Thu Apr 24, 2014 02:49pm

I was really testing to see if you recognized that:

It Is Impossible To Balk To An (Occupied) Second Base.



Publius Thu Apr 24, 2014 06:36pm


Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison (Post 932503)
He stepped off, why would I do anything to the pitcher after that?

Don't get too pompous. I correctly balked a pitcher last weekend for actions he made after stepping off.

soundedlikeastrike Thu Apr 24, 2014 08:06pm


Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison (Post 932480)
Fed game. 0-0 game in the top of 11th. F1 properly steps off and fakes to 2B. I have nothing as well as my partner. Third base coach runs (in my partner's direction in C crossing the foul line) onto field yelling "That's a Balk!".

Do I warn him, confine him or toss him or just chastise him?

He did apolgize and said that his batter had missed several signs.

Was none of the above an option?
Was all that was lacking is the official request for time?
Not the head coach? That does matter in Fed correct?

In other words, would the same discussion starting with, May I have a time out please Mr. Umpire Sir have been okay? If so I've got maybe a chastising?

Or was he totally disrupting playing action and verbally abusing your partner?

DG Thu Apr 24, 2014 09:56pm


Originally Posted by Publius (Post 932619)
Don't get too pompous. I correctly balked a pitcher last weekend for actions he made after stepping off.

You want to enlighten us on that?

DG Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:04pm


Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison (Post 932480)
Fed game. 0-0 game in the top of 11th. F1 properly steps off and fakes to 2B. I have nothing as well as my partner. Third base coach runs (in my partner's direction in C crossing the foul line) onto field yelling "That's a Balk!".

Do I warn him, confine him or toss him or just chastise him?

Depends on the State in which you work. My state wants us to 1) warn 2) restrict 3) eject, unless of course it is one of the 1 or 2 things a coach can do to bypass 1 and 2. This not one of them. If this was an AC toss him and restrict the HC to the dugout. If the HC, put up the big 2 handed stop/warn sign and restrict if necessary.

The two handed stop/warn sign is chastising, so I don't know what else you mean. I am not going to have much of a discussion with him about this.

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