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Question regarding sleeve color
I was wondering if there are any regional differences between what's ok as far as sleeve color.
Last night my plate ump (who moved into our association from another place) made a pitcher take off his white Underarmour long sleeve undershirt at the opposing coaches request. I didn't challenge my partners decision because half the team was wearing white undershirts and the other half black. We all know that the sleeves of the undergarment must be uniform in color. My partner stated that if one person on a team is going to wear an undergarment with sleeves then everyone else on the team has to wear them. Our local interp has always been that the players who wear a long sleeved undergarment must wear the same color but it's ok if if a player chooses not to wear the undergarment thus leaving his arms bare. Anyway, I told him I'd take his argument to the board and get some opinions. Thanks, Eric |
Rule 1-4-2: If the pitcher's undershirt sleeves are exposed, they shall not be white or gray.
Not sure on OBR... should have stated that I was responding for FED rules.
LL cannot wear long white sleeves. NCAA cannot wear white. |
Are teams considered to not be in compliance when some players elect not to wear the sleeves? |
Yes, as long as what they wear is in complience with others on their team. i.e. everyone must wear a specific color undershirt if they choose to wear an undershirt.
So if Player A is wearing stirrups, and player B has his pants over his shoes, there is no problem. |
I know it is in the rules, but is this a booger that anyone is really willing to pick? I say, pick your fights. Sleeve color and stirrup style isn't one I'm willing to go to battle over.
The whole White or Gray sleeve issue is really a bunch of BS! If you can't focus on the ball because F1 is wearing white or gray sleeves, you don't belong on the diamond! Maybe knitting would be better for you!
Yes they are. |
If a coach challenges nonconforming uniform or equipment, it would remiss to ignore or dismiss his complaint, don't you think? |
Heck, FED bans any white at all on a pitcher's glove - even in the logo. |
While I agree the rule is stupid, I still carry a black sharpie to quickly remedy the white logo conundrum.
I just have the pitcher rub a little dirt on the logo. In my judgment, it doesn't look white to me after that. ;) JM |
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