The Portland Baseball Umpires Association puts 1st and 2nd year umpires a minimum of 26 hours that is split between classroom and field. The motivated guys can attend about 30 hours worth of training! We actually offered two days of 6 hour on-field mechanics training this year on a weekend that was well attended.
In addition, we are "encouraging" 3rd-5th year umpires to attend the same amount of training, but this concentrates on more advanced mechanics and rules. Upward mobility is tied to attendance in the commissioners eyes, so it is well attended. The average 3-5 year guy is attending about 22 hours per year.
I think lots of training is important! The more the better! I do high school, ODP, and premier 11-19 year old soccer that is USSF sanctioned, and have found that the required training produces better upper level referees. Soccer has had yearly classroom/on field training hour requirements for upgrades for years, and it shows!