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pdxblue Sun Jun 11, 2006 07:55pm

Ode to "scabs".
Ok, I am NOT going to write a real "ode" to you fellow scabs. But, I would at least like to give you all a big ol' GOOD JOB!, and ATTA BOY!, and WAY TO GO!

Way to keep the game going guys!

DIV2ump Mon Jun 12, 2006 08:39am

Personal Choice

Originally Posted by pdxblue
Ok, I am NOT going to write a real "ode" to you fellow scabs. But, I would at least like to give you all a big ol' GOOD JOB!, and ATTA BOY!, and WAY TO GO!

Way to keep the game going guys!

Choosing to work or not to work was a personal choice. At the games I went to the replacement umpires did a very good job. The replacement umps did not deserve the abuse, threats, and onslaught of other bad acts from fellow umpires. I observed a drunk guy in what I assume was a regular minor league umpire uniform screaming obscenities at the umpire from the seats by the first base line. He didn't care that there were kids in the area. After that my mind was made up who I was going to support in this labor dispute, and that was before I heard stories from other umpires about middle of the night phone calls where filthy things were said to their wives. I would have been more likely to support the amlu guys if they had behaved professionally but the things the umpire said at the game I attended would have made a teamster blush.

An umpire I know told me that Andy Roberts "retired." I find it hard to believe that he would lead these guys out on strike and not work under the terms he negotiated. Any of you connected guys know anything about this?

pdxblue Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:24am

I was kind of hoping to keep the tone of this thread more on the lines of a GOOD JOB for my fellow scab brethren.

All those other things are VERY obvious, and I don't disagree with them.

But instead of focusing on the negative, I just thought my fellow scab brothers should have a thread with good vibes to them for the job they did while supporting the GREATER GAME OF BASEBALL, that we all love and respect.

DIV2ump Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:00pm

Good work
The replacement umpires did a very good job at the seven or so games I attended. Saw a few missed rotations but nothing that a fan would notice and nothing that upset the field staff.

pdxblue Mon Jun 12, 2006 03:03pm

Indeed! I worked with some great umpires in my 16 PCL games. Yeah, a few missed rotations, but that can be expected when you don't work 3-man mechanics all the time.

I seen a LOT of good solid strike zones called, and some outstanding handling of some no-win situations on some tough plays!

The most important thing was that I seen a bunch of guys have a good time with it, and the players seemed to be having a pretty good time playing. Yeah, I few gripes, but there has ALWAYS been a few gripes about the umpires in the 150 someodd years of baseball! :)

I think overall, the scabs showed how good of quality there is in the umpiring ranks for amature baseball!

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