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LeftyRef Thu Jun 08, 2006 02:12pm

Tony Randazzo Chest Bumps Rockies' Hurdle

Both stories read pretty much the same.

I wish I had seen the video of this, does anyone have it?

SCUMP Thu Jun 08, 2006 02:29pm

If A Big League Umpire Can Have Problems And Bumps A Manager....

Could It Possibly Happen To A Highly Trained Superior Amlu Umpire??

Say It Isn't So..........

Signed.......scaba Laba Ding Dong

lawump Thu Jun 08, 2006 02:55pm

It doesn't show much, other than Mr. Randazzo appeared to be hot under the collar...but here is the AP picture of the arguments:

I believe one of the stories, said the game was not on TV and not videotaped (which I can't believe).

scottyman51 Thu Jun 08, 2006 04:02pm

Tony's not one of the umpires who usually confronts people.Some umpires will toss someone after a small arguement,I've only seen tony toss someone if its really bad,which this one appears to be.

The pitcher probably said something,and tony obviously didnt like what he said.Balls and strikes are judgement calls,and players cant agrue them,so the pitcher was asking to be tossed.

Tony should be suspended for a week or two if this is true,only because chest bumping someone isnt really right.

It was a hot day, he was probably just warn out and was fed up with it.

Just my oppinion.....

nickrego Thu Jun 08, 2006 05:18pm

I think it's funny...

Think back on some of the arguments you have had with coaches over the years.

If those arguments happened in the regular business world, someone would be fired.

If those arguments happened on the street, someone would be in jail for busting the other guy up side the head.

We let people address each other on the baseball field in ways that really aren't considered acceptable in society. Then we ask, should he have ejected him ?

Haaaaaaa, Haaaaaaaa, Haaaaaaaaa ! Can I stop laughing now ?

briancurtin Thu Jun 08, 2006 07:16pm


Originally Posted by scottyman51
It was a hot day, he was probably just warn out and was fed up with it.

Just my oppinion.....

what does it being a hot day have to do with anything? same with him being worn out.

cardinalfan Thu Jun 08, 2006 09:21pm

The confrontation started with Ray King. Believe me, there were times when King was with the Cardinals that I would have liked to have done more than chest bumped him!

GarthB Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:32pm

It is a greater sin for the arbiter to make physcial contact with a player. We are the ones who know better. We are the only representatives of "baseball" at the game.

Randazzo should be suspended for at least two weeks if this is his first offense...longer if he has a "prior".

mbyron Fri Jun 09, 2006 07:31am

I would agree that Randazzo ought to be suspended if he initiated contact with a player or manager. That's a serious violation. However, I have read only one reporter's account of the incident, and would not judge Randazzo based solely on that.

pdxblue Fri Jun 09, 2006 09:02am

Bring in the replacement umps man!!!

pdxblue Sat Jun 10, 2006 08:51am

I would really like to hear some AMLU guys take on this! They seem to be the experts on all things umpiring and could explain to me how a MLB umpire would go about bumping a manager and player and be "right" in doing so!

SCUMP Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:05am

Is Tony A Member Ofthe Amlu??????

How Could This Happen.....i Thought Things Like This "only Happened"

To The Replacement Guys..........

Mr Kennedy Is The Integrity Of The Game At Stake Here???????

Say It Isn't So........


Scaba Daba Doo.............

pdxblue Sat Jun 10, 2006 03:58pm

I just can't seem to let this one go! :) Imagine, an ex-minor league ump BUMPING a coach AND player!!!

I am sure he would have never been selected for PBUC if he went to Even's school this year! He must have slipped through before all pro school guys were taught to be perfect.

pdxblue Sat Jun 10, 2006 04:06pm

Oh my!!! This guy is OUT OF CONTROL!!!

Can you imagine an article about a perfect major league umpire complaining that they missed a call and acted inappropriately? Who would have thought that a PRO UMPIRE would do something like that!

pdxblue Sat Jun 10, 2006 04:15pm

Read the comments by the pitcher! Obviously, this guy isn't good enough to umpire in MLB if a player is complaining that he misses pitches!

pdxblue Sat Jun 10, 2006 04:18pm

My goodness! Look at what people on a newsgroup have to say about umpires!

SCUMP Sat Jun 10, 2006 05:23pm

Imagine An Umpire Letting His Emotions Get Out Of Hand......

A Trained Professional At That.......

All During The Strike All I Read Was The Replacement Umpires Don't

Know How To Handle Situations On The Field.....

Mr Kennedy Or Any Amlu Umpire Please Explain How This Could Happen

I Mean The Integrity Of The Game Is A Stake........please Help Us

Understand Why!!!!!


Skippy The Scab.......

Mr Kennedy...........................we're Waiting

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