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EMD Thu Feb 23, 2006 01:58pm

I am the type of guy that takes notes after a game so that I can identify what I could do better. Weather that is dealing with an odd situation, poor view of a play or whatever. I do this so that I can identify three priority goals to help make me better. For example;
1) Get my head lower in my plate stance while adjusting my old stance to accomplish this goal.
2) Get a better strike motion and look more smooth
2) Try to increase my level of professional on & off the field. On the field through proper mechanics and better anticipation of the play. Off the field by getting to the game sooner than I have in the past.

There are others I will work on, but these are the top three. Dose anyone else do this, if so, what will be your goal this year?

gobama84 Thu Feb 23, 2006 02:25pm

My goal is to get up every morning following a game. I arrive work at 6am, leave at 3pm straight to the game, leave there about 9:30 - 10pm, arrive home shower, sleep and do it all over again the next day. 47 mile roundtrip from home to work.

FVB9 Thu Feb 23, 2006 07:45pm

Hey EMD, I've spoken at clinics about goal setting, which IMHO is a critical component of success in umpiring. We all have goals, and they're all different. Some are to move up to the next level, some are to work every day, some are to work close to home, and some could be to have no ejections. Whatever.

Email me and I'll send you a copy of the pitch.

[email protected]

Justme Fri Feb 24, 2006 02:53pm

Baseball is my hobby. I umpire because I enjoy doing it. I have only two baseball goals - - (1) Give 110%.

In order to do that:

1. I study the rule book, case book and other interps to help me understand how to apply the rules.

2. I attend every clinic I can find.

3. I occasionally have one of my kids or my wife film me working (both plate & bases). Plate work I look at my timing, strike zone, looking for head movement, mechanics, and looking at my positioning. On the bases I look at my positioning, timing and mechanics

4. I work out each day & put in 3-6 miles running with my dog to stay in shape. I'm semi-retired and have a lot of time on my hands.

6. I work as many games as I can, regardless of level. These late days of my umpiring career I work Babe Ruth baseball, Adult League baseball, HS baseball, HS softball, ASA softball, & even Adult slow pitch softball. I'm doing something everyday and have to turn down games.

5. I donate 100% of the money I earn, less equipment purchases, to charity.

Goal #2 - - Keep doing what I'm doing for as long as I can.

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