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CJN Wed Feb 22, 2006 08:20pm

I am looking at purchasing a new chest protector for this year and I like the Honig's K1 and I am kind of interested in the Pro-Nine because of the price. I know a lot of you like West Vest Gold or Platinum, but it seems kind of like overkill for my purposes. I was wondering if anyone had tried both the K1 and Pro-Nine to say if the K1 is worth the extra $$.

Thanks in advance.

umpduck11 Wed Feb 22, 2006 09:06pm

What age groups are you planning on
working? A WV gold isn't necessarily
overkill, unless you are doing slow-
pitch softball.

TussAgee11 Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:42pm

I've had my West Vest Platinum for a year. I do everything from Little League to High School. There have been times I'm happy I wear it for a bunch of 10 year olds, I'll tell you. Those kids can't catch, so even though the ball is coming in slower, you get hit more, therefore overall an equal chance of getting hurt. Unless you're doing slow pitch, I don't think a Platinum is overkill at all. Its what, 60 more dollars? That can almost be paid off by working just one game. I don't think you can be too overkill with the chestprotector, its the most important piece of equitment (ok maybe face mask). One hard blow to the heart and we can be dead. I don't trust a soft shell to protect me. Not worth the risk in my mind.

Just my opinion...

Tim C Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:44pm

It only matters if you work "real baseball" (tm).

CJN Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:58pm

I'm working some LL Majors and Juniors, but mostly AAU and USSSA 11U-13U because that is what is available for me, I am a pretty new umpire and I don't work high school. I work in a pretty small assocation in Iowa so I work lots of long weekends at tournaments, so I kind of wanted a lighter/cooler CP like K1 looks to be.

RPatrino Thu Feb 23, 2006 02:14am


Could it be you took a few shots to your head, while wrapped thusly?

Bob P.

2rad4u Thu Feb 23, 2006 06:20am

FWIW, I use a K-1. The Pro-Nine CP looks good, but they must have skimped on something to get the price so low.

Get the new K-1 in black. The black one has the mesh back and velcro straps. I saw one at our state HS conference and it was nice. I have decided it will be my next CP.

PABlue Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:49am

Man they didn't skimp on anything on the Pro Nine.
I have held both of these protectors in my hands and there are no differences to speak of. I've used the Pro Nine for everything from LL up thru HS and Legion ball and it is fantastic. It takes shots and is comfortable and alot cooler then my old vest.
By the way there leg guards are pretty awesome to.

fwump Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:47pm

This will be my third season with my Pro Nine. Last year I did 81 games from 12u to HS Varsity. Its cool and provided plenty of protection. I took one foul shot right on my breastbone that stunned me for a few seconds in a High School game. Made me think about the hard shell. But I'm sticking with it.


insatty Fri Feb 24, 2006 01:39pm

As I understand it from the person who claimed to own the patent on the Pro-Nine and K-1 design, Honigs paid more for the license to sell the design. So the K-1 costs more for the same basic design.

U of M Sam Fri Feb 24, 2006 06:00pm

I purchased the Pro Nine CP this year and am happy with it so far. I have recently worked behind the plate during 4 indoor games.
It fits well, provides great protection and I paid less than half the price of the K-1.
IMO Honig's is also a great supplier of umpire equipment.

kylejt Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:50am

Long after the money is spent, you'll never regret buying the best.

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