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GarthB Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:21pm

Re: ASU/Florida Game Call

Originally posted by SeattleMetroUmp
That was absolutely the right call. Yes, it was a tough play and it looked "bad" cause he was sliding, but the fan reached into the field of play and caused the catcher to not be able to catch the ball. I thought it was the right call and Harold Reynolds needs to shut his yap, because he starting getting me upset with his continual pissing and moaning.


Are you a member or the NBUA in Seattle?

mcrowder Mon Jun 27, 2005 01:15pm

Harold did drive me crazy on one play though... insisting that when, on a Florida SB attempt, the throw was in time, but F4 dropped the ball, that R1 should have been given a SB and F4 an error. If there's an error, Harold, then he didn't steal the base, did he? He was given the base because of the error. Can't be both.

Other than that - good announcing (and good umpiring) throughout the series.

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