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sainthuck Fri Jan 19, 2001 05:01pm

Hi there. I play in an amatuer league and a situation occured recently where a batter on our team was hit by a pitch and had to immediately be helped off the field into the dugout. The umpire said that he, the hit batter, had to touch first before we could put a runner in for him. It seemed reasonable at the time and we eventually walked him over to first, but then I started thinking of times I've seen players in the Majors get hit Bad and absolutely could not make it to first. Is this an actual rule(I can't find it in the book) or was our ump mistaken?
Thanks in advance.

DDonnelly19 Fri Jan 19, 2001 05:11pm

5.10 (c)(1) If an accident to a runner is such as to prevent him from proceeding to a base to which he is entitled, as on a home run hit out of the playing field, or an award of one or more bases, a substitute runner shall be permitted to complete the play.

Patrick Szalapski Fri Jan 19, 2001 05:11pm

(DELETED, Dennis beat me to it.)


sainthuck Fri Jan 19, 2001 05:15pm

Thanks to both of you. I look forward to clearing this up with the ump on Sunday.

Rog Fri Jan 19, 2001 11:03pm


Originally posted by sainthuck
Thanks to both of you. I look forward to clearing this up with the ump on Sunday.
uhmm, you might want to wait until after the game; or, when you have a considerable lead......just in case!

sainthuck Fri Jan 19, 2001 11:25pm

Yeah, you're probably right..but I'm one guy who never argues with the umps or tries to show them up...just a friendly little chat about baseball.

Russ Dorsey Fri Feb 02, 2001 07:55am

Hurt player
Because you league is NOT PRO, many have a a strong safety policy. Many leagues have a " incapciation " rule. If a batter / runner becomes incapasitated, a new runner can take his/her place at first base. This is an exciting and "fun" game, however, it is still is just a game.

I work a league that has "speed up " rules that allows a player to go directly from the bench when a batter walks, regardless if no piches or 4 piches were thrown. This moves the game along especially when you have a time limit.


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