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David B Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:45am

But there is reference

Originally posted by DG

Originally posted by bob jenkins

Originally posted by DG

Originally posted by BoomerSooner
Here is an interesting spin on this situation, that I've only seen come close to happening, but interesting all the same. What if in this situation, the runner's helmet had fallen off (I know alot of leagues are requiring chinstraps, but lets assume for this example there is nothing to impede the helmet from coming off) and hits the ball or even trips up the fielder.

Now to my knowledge the only rules regarding equipment intefering with the ball use language regarding "intentionally placed" or something else to that nature.

Interference. The runner is responsible for keeping his helmet on his head, IMO.

Rules reference, please.

Like I said, IMO, which makes the rule reference 9.01(c). Why are so many here reluctant to rule on something that is not covered by the rules? That's what 9.01(c) is for?

IMO your judgement on that play would not be very good.

Interference is almost always in intentional act. So if a helmet falls off accidentally there is no penalty.

If he takes it off intentionally, then you have a possible interference.

Using rule 9.01c is not an opportunity to make your own rules which might be in conflict with the rest of the 8 rules.


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